A Magical Symbologist and an Ex-Murderer

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While Akino's group was dealing with Gaikan in the Ares world, a certain group of 6 (well, actually 7) are tossed into Boston, Massachusetts, landing in a park like how Tenade and Touma had before.

In said park, a portal opens up in a secluded area, spitting Ryaku, Ungaikyou, Bao En, Jorogumo, Tenade and Touma out like a sack of potatoes before closing abruptly, not giving them a way back.

Tenade: GAH! (lands on the ground, winces) 

Bao En: (winces) It hurts everywhere!

Ungaikyou: (rubs his head) Aitatatatatatatata...

Jorogumo: Did anyone get the number of the portal that hit us?

Ryaku: (rubs his back) Why did we have to fall in the park on the cruel cruel sidewalk?

Touma: Beats me....

The group soon gets up, finally registering the other's presence.

Ryaku: E-Eh? We're not home yet? (looks confused)

Jorogumo: Seems to be that way... (notices Touma and Ungaikyou, eyes widen) Touma! Ungaikyou!

The two's heads turn to the source of the voice, their own eyes widening.

Ungaikyou: (ecstatic) Jorogumo! (hugs her)

Touma: (quickly follows) Y-You're safe!

Jorogumo: Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?

Touma: S-Something could have happened to you! (a bit of worry is sensed)

Ungaikyou: A-Agreed!

Jorogumo: (laughs lightly) Oh come on, guys! You know I'm much more stronger than that, right?

Ungaikyou: (blushes) I-It's just natural for one to worry about their friends, okay?! 

Touma: Y-Yeah!

Jorogumo: (pats them both on the head) You guys are so adorable at times. Really, I'm fine. To be honest, I should be asking you guys that!

Touma: I-I'm fine! I just fought in a battle...

Ungaikyou: Same here! (smiles)

Jorogumo: Me three! I'm glad that you guys got out of it alive!

Ungaikyou: W-What are you saying, Jorogumo? (joking tone) I-I'm the great Mister Movien's assistant! O-Of course I have to be strong!

Touma: (laughs) You gained a sense of humour! That's amazing!

Jorogumo: The stutter just makes it even cuter!

Ungaikyou: P-Please stop! (covers his face with his hands)

Jorogumo: Awwwwww!

Ryaku: Bao En! Nade-nee!

Bao En: (hugs him) Ryaku! You're safe!

Ryaku: (smiles) Did you ever doubt me, Bao En?

Bao En: Of course not! Why would I?!

Ryaku: (grins) Great to know. (then notices Tenade is not moving) Nade-nee?

Tenade: (backs away, tears are in her eyes) S-Stay away from me! I-I'm just a horrible person!

Ryaku, Bao En: E-Eh?

Bao En: What are you talking about, Nade-nee?

Tenade: I-I... (begins sobbing, curls up into a ball)

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