Crossovers Galore! Welcome to Camp Half-Blood!

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The action is rising. Tensions are growing. Who knows how this adventure will end....

This time, the next group, Natsume, Chilly, Chenhua, Kai, Lucy and Rasen, are thrown into a world of mythology and the supernatural....

In Camp Half-Blood, a portal opens up in the camp and drops the group to the ground without a single care and closes just like that.

Rasen: (groans) Who knew that portals could have sass....

Kai: Not me, for sure... Where are we?...

Chilly: (rubs her back) Aiya, why does my back hurt so much?....

Chenhua: (moans) No kidding!

Lucy: This is so annoying...

Natsume: (nods) Agreed.... (sees Rasen, blinks) Wait, Rasen? (spots Chenhua too) Chenhua-san?

Chenhua: (blinks, gets up slowly) N-Natsume?

Rasen: (looks at her direction) N-Natsume-chan! (smiles) 

Natsume: (grins) It's nice to see you again! I was thinking I wouldn't be able to track ANYONE down! 

Rasen: Same here!

Chenhua: (nods) Me too. Where's Yame-chan? 

Natsume: I'm not so sure about that. Ayame-chan fell into the portal with us, but I haven't seen her... 

Rasen: Same here... 

Chenhua: (smiles softly) It's fine. You guys probably couldn't control where you landed. 

Natsume: E-Eh? You sure? 

Chenhua: (nods) Very. Plus, I saw how determined you were during the final battle, Natsume. Kudos for that. 

Hearing that, Natsume goes red.

Natsume: I-It's nothing really... I-I just wanted to stop Soranaki... 

Rasen: But that was so cool! 

Natsume: (goes even redder) A-Ah... 

Chilly: (giggles) Hey there, Kai, Lucy.

Lucy: Hey there, Chil! 

Kai: How'd ya end up with Natsume-san? 

Chilly: I'm not sure about that. (shrugs) We just ended up falling on top of Tagiru-san. 

Kai: Well, I nearly died in outer space with Chenhua-san. Thankfully, Akame-san and the rest saved us. 

Lucy: Rasen and I met the Guardians from The Copernicus Legacy! (ecstatic) They're even cooler than in the books! 

Chilly: Yeah, I know! Tagiru and Taiki turned out to be Idiotic and Loyalty's partners too! 

Kai: Woah, no way! Akame-san knows about Youkai, and he plus Yaya-san, Ying-san, Gopal-san, Fang-san and Kokoci-san are all part of the SRS!

Lucy: (nods) They sound amazing! I can't wait to meet them in person once this is all over!

Rasen: Same here! 

Chenhua: But first we have to save Aruke.... 

Natsume: (blinks) Eh? What's wrong with Aruke-san? 

Kai: Yeah, what's wrong with him? 

Lucy: Did something happen to him? 

Chenhua: W-Well... (looks slightly hesitant) 

Rasen: (places his hand on Chenhua's shoulder) Chenhua, you should tell us. We are all worried for Aruke-san. 

Chenhua: ... (sighs softly) I guess you're right. To be honest, Aruke... Aruke's been kidnapped... 

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