A Bee-sy Watcher

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Takato: I know Amano Keita...

Movien: E-EH?! (stares at Takato with wide eyes) You're kidding me!

Reaper: (jaws drop) As in Youkai Watch's protagonist, Amano Keita?!

Takato: (nods)

Fuankan: W-Why do you ask?...

Movien: (looks taken aback by the question) W-Well....

After defeating some Youkai, Takato and Fuankan had met Mister Movien and Reaper, who had fallen from a portal. Right now, the 4 of them are looking at one another in the alley. 

Movien: I-I just didn't expect it... 

Takato: Why? Because he's average?

Movien: (nods silently) 

Takato: It's fine. Most people say that. 

Reaper: Is it that normal? 

Takato: Yep. 

Fuankan: V-Very....

Movien: O-Oh.... (looks down) I see.

Takato: Don't worry. Keita wouldn't hold it against you. He's way too nice for that.

Movien: I-Is he?...

Takato: (nods) Yep! Why do you ask?

Movien: C-Cause the Keita I know isn't like that...

Takato: Eh? (thinks: Uh oh, I think I remember where I've seen him before. This guy's Mister Movien.... Aiya, I messed up.) Oh, sorry! I was thinking about someone else! He sounds like Keita, so that's how I mixed them up! (smiles apologetically, thinks: Please fall for it. Otherwise, Keita will have my HEAD.....)

Reaper: It's fine.

Movien: (grins a bit) I don't mind.

Takato: Great! (thinks: Wow, they really fell for it....)

Fuankan: A-Anyway, w-why are you here?....

Reaper: Erm... I fell into a portal with my friends....

Movien: (eyes widen, alarmed tone) Really?! Cause I did too!

Reaper: (turns to him) Wait what?! You did?!

Movien: Yeah! I was with the Agency when we were suddenly sucked into a portal!

Reaper: So did we! (eyes widen as she realises something) Wait.... Could the book burning case be happening in your place as well?!

Movien: (shocked) H-How did you know?!

Reaper: Erm... It just felt too coincidental that both of us fell through portals...

Movien: O-Oh... Right.... (looks down at his shoes) S-Sorry... I should have seen that.

Reaper: It's okay. I don't expect you to be perfect.

Movien: R-Really? (looks up at her)

Reaper: (nods with a smile) Yeah!

Movien: (looks away) You would hate me if you knew what I did, honestly....

Reaper: (blinks) Eh?

Takato: Are you talking about your plan to get back at Keita by collecting power from the Shadowside world?

Movien: (nods slowly) A-Ah...

Reaper: Shadowside...... WAIT! (eyes widen) You're THAT Mister Movien?! The one who kidnapped the Original Quartet in Help from the Shadows?!

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