Complete the Team! The Second Hope VS Despair Classroom Trial!

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Chenhua: (shocked) W-Woah!

Naegi: (relieved, hugs Keita) KEITA! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!

Keita: (hugs back with a smile) Sorry if I made you worry, Naegi.

Hajime: (lightly hits his head) Worry is an understatement. You're dead once this entire thing is over.

Keita: (sweatdrops) I know. I hope that Shirou won't murder me first.

Naegi: Aha, Shirou's our mother hen for sure.

Hajime: (nods) Agreed. Keita's our dad.

Keita: (blushes) N-Naegi! H-Hajime-nii!

Naegi: (smirks, pinches his cheeks) Awww, widdle Keita is so cute!

Bao En: (jaws drop) Woah, he's completely different than what I expected.

Kuriwa: (nods) Y-Yeah....

Junko: (stares in disbelief) I-I can't believe it... T-The SRS' leader's here..... (smiles softly) G-Great.. (whispers) Please end me.... Please bring Keisuke back... 

Keisuke: (blinks, thinks: T-The SRS' leader?....) (hears Junko's thoughts, eyes widen, thinks: W-Why would she want that...?) (eyes widen) (thinks: Unless... Unless the Junko now is not the same as the Junko from a while ago...)

Lucy: H-Huh? What are you talking about?....

Keita: (looks up to them, smiles a bit) I guess the cat's out of the bag now, eh? Fine then. (grins) Hey there, you guys. I'm Amano Keita, also known as Dark, the leader of the SRS. 

There is this silence among Chaos' chosen ones that just signifies how stunned they are hearing this.

Tadeoniu: W-WHAT?! (mouth goes open)

Kuriwa: Y-YOU'RE DARK?! 

Lizzy: I-I... (shocked) 

Touma: W-Wow..... I-I'm really surprised now.... 

Konju: So you're Masaru's leader? 

Keita: (nods with a smile) Yep! (grins) I guess you're trying to load this, especially with how Level 5 portrayed me, right? 

Tireni: (opens his mouth, then closes it like a guppy) H-How? (numb) 

Naegi: (sweatdrops) Keita's an analyst too. That's how he knows. 

Hajime: (nods) And he's also VERY insane. 

Naegi: Has fights with Inaho-chan almost 24/7. 

Hajime: Teases all of us 24/7. 

Keita: (pouts) You guys are making me sound like a bad leader. 

Naegi, Hajime: Who, us? (looks confused)

Mukuro: (blank stare) ... Wow....

Tenade: I second Mukuro. 

Natsume: T-This is the feared Dark?... 

Ungaikyou: At this rate, I might just get a migraine from all the information coming in at once. (rubs his head) 

Akinori: I'm not that impressed.... 

Junko: (eyes glow red slightly before she giggles) Even I have agree. You look so normal it's unbelievable.

Keita: (tilts head at Junko) I don't think you have any right to say that, Junko. After all, you looked so powerful, yet you ended up losing to Naegi just because of luck. 

Junko: (eyes twitch, she snarls) SHUT UP! IT'S HIS AND HIS DUMB LUCK'S FAULT! (lunges for him) 

Manuel: (eyes widen) WATCH OUT!

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