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Paradise is different for each individual,

One might seek objects, while others seek spiritual.

Me? I seek only a story book ritual.

A fantasy land, with a land to call my own,

And a woman of mine who I can make moan.

She mustn't be crazy, yet she must open minded.

Willing to experiment, and our love undivided.

Aside from my woman, whose passion burns like those of newly wed,

I would have my daughter, back in her bed.

No other thing could fix this tear in my heart,

Not women or money, only one thing would work that I've marked on my chart.

My daughter held once again in my arms,

In my paradise, she would be out of harms.

With a small county area, and a forest of wonder,

I think I could make the best with my lightning and thunder.

I would have neighbors, as kind as can be,

Each one dependable, I am to them, as they are to me.

No more pain, despair, and deception,

Don't you agree? This is a nice conception.

But alas, Paradise remains out of my grasp,

Yet still do I try, to reach out and clasp.

My perfect world, a heaven of my making,

With each passing thought, does it get me shaking.

The joy do I feel, at the thought of this dream,

Yet a dream it all is, too good does it seem.

I sit back in my chair, and think once again,

The next thought shouldn't be too hard to comprehend.

With my pain returning, as sorrow fills my life,

I remain with no daughter and wife.

I can once again see the empty beds in front of me.

I begin to sink, back into the life sucking sea.

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now