Luna and Terra

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A small framed girl, who was drifting by herself.
Along came a man, who pulled her towards himself.
Not with force, but instead attraction.
She was curious about him and his actions.
The girl's name was Luna,
and the man's name was Terra.
He was much larger than she, but never was formidable,
He let her advance, to help her get comfortable.
Though she stays at a distance, she's always by his side,
For better or worse, he was the groom and she'd be his bride.
Their trust in each other was one without match,
Except for one more, whose gift had no catch.
Sol was his name, and a giant he was,
At least compared to these two, he was small next to his brothers he loves.
He brought forth light, and allow them to see,
With help from my friend I can see her and she can see me.
A match made in heaven, and forged in the stars,
No love is stronger than the bond that is ours.

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now