Dear Samantha

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Dear Samantha,

Why did you leave?

I thought that we were friends back when we carved our names on leaves.

I miss the way that you would always tell me when I'm wrong,

When I'm dumb, or when you'd hug me when we'd sing our song.

Dear Samantha,

I wish you never left.

Then we would still be together,

Remember when I gave you my jacket to protect you from the weather?

And you would always give me your umbrella,

Insisting I leave mine at home with Stella.

Cause you knew that it was gonna rain,

And sharing an umbrella always eased our pain.

Dear Samantha,

I hope you read this,

Remember back when we had our first kiss?

That same day I took you to the park,

Where we watched people play and hear all the dogs bark.

Dear Samantha,

I remember when,

You said for me you'd go to Hell and back again.

I always thought you were full of it,

That was until you actually went and done it.

Dear Samantha,

It's been eternity,

Every day without you is just another day that's hurtin me.

Only half our names are on the wall,

It hurts me like a kid on the field with no one to catch the ball.

Dear Samantha,

I want to believe,

That you'll come back to me and help me feel relieved.

I always wondered what it'd be like to hug an angel,

Knowing the only one I've ever known is gone is nothing but painful.

We always had something to do,

Like picnics and when we'd play Mario too.

Remember back when we argued flowers?

I recall it all even though it lasted hours.

I said a rose was the best of its kind,

And you said "tulips are mine."

And we argued on and on until the break of dawn when you finally fell asleep in my lap out on my lawn.

When you woke up I found you a gift,

I only had so much time so I had to make it swift.

You woke up with a flower in hand,

Not a rose but on of your symbolic brand.

You gave me a hug and told me I was special,

The flower representing our friendship was just a vessel.

Dear Samamtha,

I never knew you felt the same.

Blushing at me cause of how I said your name.

The way you kissed my cheek,

Made me feel so unique.

Like I had someone who truly cared,

Interests, food, music and so much more we'd shared.

Dear Samantha,

I wait for your return.

Every day my stomach churns,

For the day that you'll come knocking on my door,

Will a day of joy like other day before.

Dear Samantha,

I want you to know,

I never wanted you to go.

I wish I could have stopped you sooner,

So I could still bring your life joy and humor.

But instead I'm sitting here waiting,

Thinking of ways how I'll greet you has me debating.

But one thing will always remain true,

And that my sweet Samantha is that I love you.

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now