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Deep beneath the ocean waves,
Lies more than a thousand graves.
I haven't counted in a while,
But I remember the size of the pile.
I also recall our last moments,
And our romantic components.
She sunk deeper into the water,
I reached out and tried to save her.
I jumped in and swam further down,
To save my beloved before she'd drown.
I caught her hands and pulled her close,
She smiled and kissed me, then my body froze.
I let her go, it's what she wanted,
The nightmares I have keep me haunted.
I still find ways to keep her alive,
Her love for me is the reason I thrive.
Everyday I think about her,
With her wisdom my path's no longer a blur.
I'll make sure shes never forgotten and her legacy lives on like mine,
I'll make sure the world never forgets my beautiful Clementine.

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now