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It has been ages since last we spoke,

I've made the preparations for when you've finally awoke.

The stories to tell, and the memories to share,

To tell how I've cleaned you daily and washed your hair.

But you remain sleeping, as if under a spell,

You've left me a ghost of myself, a hollow-less shell.

I wait for the day from this world I depart,

I want to cure you, but where shall I start?

Do you even want to be woke?

You remain peaceful sleeping under my cloak.

The smile on your face, and the dreams you embrace,

Are they about me? Have I entered that place?

Or do you dream of another, one who is better,

One who could make you happy, and writes you love letters.

If you'd awake, would you even remember me?

So much time has passed, I wish you could see.

Would you reject me, and once again cast me out?

"Never to return" you said, without a shred of doubt.

I didn't listen, I came back to stay, 

How could I leave you in this state of decay.

Should you arise and still want me gone,

I'll be out of your hair, before the end of our song.

But till then I remain by your side,

Keeping you safe, or so I've tried.

You always hated me, yet begged me to stay,

Never have I seen someone of such disarray.

The dreams that you dream are one of a kind,

Never forget them, embed them in your mind.

And once you've awoke, I do hope you'll tell,

Of the world and the wonders in your catatonic cell.

Tell me of the bliss that you have embraced,

Tell me who or what's put a smile on your face.

With each passing hour that crosses my hand,

I wait for you to return to me, from your one and only Slumberland.

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now