The Chords of Life

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The Chords of Life are woven into a grand tapestry.

Each individual tying their threads uniquely and craftily.

It's a rather interesting conception,

To think of a single person's perception.

When in the grand pattern, can one truly see their worth,

For take one single thread out, and it forever changes the Earth.

Some threads are interwoven, sharing a deep connection with one another,

This can be seen with two lovers, or a child and mother.

Within these strings, a small picture is painted,

Showing just how well these two souls are acquainted.

Though funny enough, even the many imperfections improve the design,

Two opposites, reflecting both the moon and sunshine.

With each strand of thread, the tapestry grows bigger,

Creating a painting, marked by the God's ichor.

Humanity as a whole, hasn't painted perfection,

But they have successfully crafted their own personal section.

A picture within a picture, of each individual and Humanity as a whole,

This image must be shared, both by digital and scroll.

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now