He loved her so much...

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Once their was a boy, whose heart was broken from neglecting,

With each new girl who caught his eyes, he was also met with rejecting.

With no friends and no lover, the poor boy did cry.

Until one faithful day, a new girl caught his eye.

This one was special, different from the rest,

But what made her special? Her hair or her dress?

She walked down the hallway with a beautiful smile,

Witnessing her beauty made him stop for a while.

She walked right on bye, never glancing him over,

Leaving without even a glance over the shoulder.

In him she had no interest, and in her did he love.

With her in his arms they'd be the two turtle doves.

Suddenly she fell, her chest filled with pain.

The pain filled her body, driving her insane.

She screamed for help, as she lay on the ground,

To her rescue he came, making very little sound.

He tried what he could, but he was too late, When the doctors arrived she had sealed her fate.

But the boy refused, and questioned the doctor,

Who told him of a way to take the pain from her.

However, doing so would cost the boy's life,

For a new heart was needed to bring her back to life.

He laid on the bed without a second hesitation,

The doctors all stared, and began examination.

The boy looked at the girl, and with one last breath, and body curled,

"Her life is worth anything in this world.

For you, my dear, would I give up my life.

You would use it better, than live in my strife.

How deeply I'll miss you, and I hope you'll miss me,

Now wake my sweet, and return to your family."

With that the boy closed his eyes one final time,

Never again would the little boy rhyme.

The girl she awoke, with shock and surprise,

When she learned the truth she couldn't believe her eyes.

Her savior lie dead, in the bed he had made,

And she would remember him decade after decade.

To this day, she still tells the story,

Of her white knight, though she kept it non gory.

"I love you, my sweet prince, the price you had to pay had made me regret,

Though you were willing, it's you I'll never forget."

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora