The Beginning

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(Raven POV)
This is the first day of senior year! I'm both excited and terrified. I'm mostly excited to graduate.

After I get up, shower and brush my teeth, I put on some simple makeup and some clothes.

Today I decided to wear a red crop top, dark blue high waisted jeans and some low top black converse. I put my hair up into my usual ponytail and head downstairs.

My parents were in an accident when I was just a toddler so I live with my Uncle Sinclair. He isn't really my uncle, but he was like a brother to my mom and dad. I normally just call him Sinclair since whenever I say uncle in front of people he has to explain that he's not really related to me.

He already left for work so I grab my army green backpack and my phone. I lock the door after I grab a granola bar. I hop into my bright red sedan, I call her Ronda.

After about a 15 minute drive I pull into the school parking lot and go say hi to my friends who are waiting at the front of the school. It's not too big of a deal to see them, considering we went to the movies together 3 days ago.

First, there's Octavia Blake who is probably my best friend. She plans on becoming a vet. She is super social and funny. Her boyfriend, Lincoln, goes to Notre Dame college, but they're still one of the strongest couples ever. She is also on the volleyball team with me and she's a wiz at language arts and history. Her brother also goes to Notre dame and his name is Bellamy. She's wearing a purple tank top and black denim shorts with some white high top vans.

Second is Jasper Jordan. He's going to be a video game designer. He's quirky and clumsy. He's dating Maya and his best friend is Monty. He's in the art club and is a math and language arts genius. He's a geek so he gets bullied quite a bit, but we try to keep him safe. He's wearing grey jeans, high top red converse and a red Flash t-shirt.

Thirdly, Monty Green. He's gonna be a botanist and physicist. He's very smart and incredibly good with computers. He's dating Harper. Monty is also in robotics club with me. He's wearing maroon jeans, black low top vans and a black Star Wars t-shirt.

Fourth on our list is Maya Vie. She's sweet and shy. She barely ever speaks to anyone, but Jasper or Harper. We don't mind though. She's going to be a nurse because she loves helping people. Her best friend is Harper. She's wearing a pink sweater, white jeans and some pink flats.

Fifth is Harper McIntyre. She's funny and nice. She is going to be a chef and she's currently on the swim team. She's wearing a blue galaxy t-shirt, black jeans and some black and blue high tops.

Sixth is Finn Collins. He's going to be a therapist and he's currently on the football team. He's very nice, but he is very stubborn (not always in a good way). He's dating Luna and his best friend is Bryan. We used to date, but we're just friends now. He's wearing a navy blue sweater, black jeans and some black high top vans.

Seventh is Luna Flo. She's also going to be a therapist. She's very humble and caring. She's kind of like the mom of the group. Her best friend is Fox, but she doesn't go to our school so we don't hang out with her too much. She's wearing a black shirt with a green flannel over it, black ripped jeans and some black combat boots.

Number eight is Bryan Skylar. He's very nice and shy, doesn't talk too much. He's a bit of a loner so he wonders off a lot. He's going to be a trauma surgeon one day. He's dating Miller. He's wearing blue jeans, a grey long sleeve shirt and some grey high tops.

Lucky number nine is Nathan Miller. He goes by Miller most of the time though. He's going to be a cop or security guard after high school. He's kind, but a little sassy, he's got some snark in him too. He doesn't have a best friend at the moment. He's wearing a red sweater, grey jeans and some black tennis shoes.

Then finally, me. Raven Reyes. I'm going to be an engineer and I'm currently in the robotics club. I'm not dating anyone so I'm the only single pringle of the group, but I don't mind. I'm on the track and Volleyball teams also. I'm stubborn and sarcastic which sometimes gets me into trouble.

We're all 17 and we're all seniors now. We all go in for a huge group hug. Even though we just saw each other, we couldn't help but hug.

When we stopped hugging, Octavia immediately spoke. "Did you guys hear about all the new kids?" She always knew about everything that was going on. Any kind of gossip was her area of expertise.

We all shook our heads so she continued. "So, this one school closed down so all the students are being moved to different schools all around the area and some are coming here! Oh, and this school was in a not-so nice neighborhood so apparently some of these kids have some spotty pasts. This is like Riverdale, when Southside high shut down." She seemed excited, but still weary. She was always very curious and sometimes it got her into bad situations.

We talked for a bit more and then when the bell rang we went in. I got to homeroom at the same time as everyone else and found a seat. A couple seconds after the bell rang again, the door opened to reveal three people, only one really strikes my interest. I was intrigued by them all though because they were clearly some of the new ones.

"Oh! You must be some new students! I'm Mrs. Peters, who might you be?" Mrs. Peters is always so cheerful. It's kind of repulsing.

The first one was tall and buff. He was smirking for some reason. He had light brown eyes and some facial hair. He was wearing black jeans, a black t shirt and black boots. He had a maroon backpack on him. His hair was brown and shoulder length and his skin was tan. "Roan Snow." He said was his name.

Next to him was a short, skinny girl. She also had a smirk stuck on her face. She had long black hair with braids in it and tan skin. Her eyes were a dark brown color and almost looked black. She had on some very dark makeup too. She was wearing a black tank top, black short shorts and black knee high boots. She was carrying a navy blue backpack, chewing some pink gum very loudly and was constantly blowing bubbles. "Ontari Torres." Was apparently her name. I don't like her very much already.

Next to her was the one who caught my eye when they first walked in, a boy of average height who had pale skin and brown hair. He had piercing blue eyes and he had no expression on his face at all. He was discretely chewing gum and wasn't blowing any bubbles with it. He had a black streak running through his hair, you could see a tattoo picking out of the collar of his shirt and he had his ears pierced with black studs in them. He had on a black shirt with a black unzipped hoodie over it, black ripped jeans and black high top vans. He had a black backpack slung over one shoulder. He said his name was. "Murphy."

After introductions were complete, they were told to find seats. Murphy ended up plunking down right next to me while the other two went and took the two seats in the back. I could tell his mind was elsewhere because throughout the teacher's entire speech, he was staring at the door. The moment the bell rang he practically jumped out of his seat and left the room.

(Narrator POV)

Later that morning, she saw him in math, but he fell asleep after 15 minutes and then woke up when the bell rang and bolted from the class as fast as possible.

She also saw him at lunch, but he was walking out of the school with a tan girl who had brown hair and only one arm. 
That was the first time that she actually saw him making a face that wasn't just completely blank. He was talking passionately about something and they were both smiling.

She saw him one more time when he was leaving school on a black motorcycle.

She was determined to know this guy. She had no clue why, but she needed to know him.

And everyone knew that when Raven Reyes put her mind to something, there was no stopping her.

A/N Hi! This is my second fanfic and I think I like it so far. Sorry,
there wasn't much talking, but this is basically the prologue.

Also, I had to make up last names for the grounders and Bryan. So yeah some of them have strange names.

Yes, Emori is in this. No, she's not gonna date Murphy.

One more thing, I don't own the 100 or anything except for the writing. I also may use some 100 quotes but I'll probably mention them if I do.

Hope ya liked it and you keep reading.

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