The Question

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(Narrator POV)
Murphy had moved out a day ago and he was slowly getting settled. Raven was at his apartment with him to help unpack and to just spend time with him.

She was currently unwrapping his new plates to put in the dishwasher while he was opening boxes and starting to build some of his new furniture.

"Will you be my official boyfriend?" Raven asked randomly and Murphy nearly dropped the new bookshelf that he was currently standing up.

"...yes." He said after he got over his shock. It'd been about a month since she dumped Wick and Murphy honestly didn't want to wait anymore.

"Wait, really?" Raven asked with light surprise as she moved to unwrapping silverware. Murphy put the new bookshelf in the corner of his living room.

"Of course, why are you surprised?" Murphy chuckled and started putting some new and old knickknacks and decor on the shelves.

"Because I thought you wanted to ask me." Raven said and started loading the dishwasher. Murphy started building his coffee table.

"Raven, I was just waiting for you to be broken up with Wick for a while. I also kind of planned to let you ask because that way I'd be 100% certain that you were over him and were comfortable with me." Murphy informed.

"God, you're so freaking nice. No wonder Sinclair loves that we're a thing. You're the most respectful boy to exist." Raven said with a grin.

"That is high praise that I don't deserve, but thank you." Murphy chuckled a bit.

After a little bit of time, they were shockingly close to completely done, aside from the stuff that hadn't shown up yet.

They sat on his floor and ate delivered pizza while watching Netflix on his laptop. It wasn't ideal but nobody had any complaints.

Raven actually thought it was perfect, just because of Murphy being there. Murphy couldn't help but think that Raven made it perfect too.

(A week later, third week of November)
Murphy's apartment was complete and his relationship with Raven was strong. Him and all of his friends were also getting along wonderfully, his grades were near perfect, he had started taking  more pictures for the yearbook because he was still the photographer, he quit art club since he had it as an elective and there was really no point, and finally all his jobs were going swell.

It was all going good. Almost too good. So good that Murphy was expecting something to destroy everything at any minute.

His apartment was now fully furnished. The living room was to the left of the door and the sofa was facing the door. The couch was a black sectional, and there was a glass coffee table on front of it. On the wall next to the door, there was a house plant in between the door and a black entertainment system with a flatscreen tv, DVR, Xbox (it was a gift) and DVD player, then in the corner was a black bookshelf with knickknacks, movies, games, video games and books.

The kitchen now had some decor and all the kitchen essentials. There was also a balcony in the living room with some black patio furniture on it and the window/door was covered by a black curtain. The bathroom and hall storage were fairly basic except with some added decoration.

His bedroom was at the end of the short hall. He had his black bed on the wall across from the door with his dark grey nightstand and lamp on one side. Then he had a dark grey bookshelf and dresser across from the bed. He had an easel, cabinet of art supplies, speaker, guitars, grey desk and black and blue desk chair all in the left corner by a huge window.

All throughout the house were some candles, air fresheners, decorations, knickknacks, plants, pictures, and paintings. It felt like a home now and most of it really screamed Murphy.

Murphy was currently getting ready for school. He heard his phone ringing and saw a picture of Raven flash on his screen, so he picked it up and answered while picking a shirt out of his closet.

"Murphy, wolf pups are so cute." Raven said as soon as he answered and he couldn't help but chuckle at her immediate response.

"I agree, any reason you're calling to tell me that?" He inquired as he slid on a dark purple t-shirt and started looking for some shoes since he already had black jeans and socks on.

"I found a place that will let us meet wolves and wolf-dogs and I wanna go with you. As a date. Because c'mon it's so us to go see wolves for our first official date." Raven said and he could tell she was grinning.

He slid on some black high top converse. "Sure, that sounds awesome. When?" He grabbed his backpack, keys, and wallet as he headed for the door.

"Tomorrow. Thank you so much. I want a fun first date for once." She chuckled and he questioned what the other first dates had been. "Wick took me to dinner with his parents and I wanted to die. Finn took me to a football game which was okay except he was playing in the game so I didn't even speak to him. He was an idiot back then." They both laughed and said their goodbyes as Murphy stepped into the elevator.

(That weekend)
The couple was sitting in a field with wolf-dog puppies crawling all around them. They had gotten to meet actual wolves and then hybrids. The two got to feed the creatures and hang out around them. It was officially awesome and by far Raven's best date.

Now, they were being snuggled by a bunch of little half dog, half wolf puppies. They couldn't wipe the smiles off of their faces.

"Did I ever tell you that wolves are one of my favorite animals or are you a mind reader?" Murphy asked as a tiny dog licked his cheek.

Raven's eyes went wide. "They're one of mine too. I'm happy this worked out so well, definitely my best date." Raven said and Murphy nodded in agreement.

After a little while longer, they left. They went and got burgers afterwards, then frozen yogurt a little while later.

He took her back home right on time and they were already coming up with ideas for the next date. He walked her to the door to say goodbye. They kissed that night, for the first time as an actual couple and it was the same as the first time. Perfect, sparks and explosions everywhere.

Everything was so perfect right now and Murphy had the sick feeling that something terrible would happen soon. He was trying to just focus on Raven but his intuition was almost always right.

Something was going to go wrong soon.

A/N I hope you enjoyed and keep reading! I think going to see wolves is an epic first date, what about you guys?


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