The Band

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(Narrator POV)
"You finished the flyers? Already?" Emori questioned as she walked with Murphy through the halls. Today she was wearing a red beanie, grey jeans with many zippers, a black t-shirt and red combat boots.

"Yes, I did. I'm just that good." Murphy smirked a bit even though it pulled on his cut lip. He was wearing a black jean jacket with a skull on the back, a maroon t-shirt, black jeans with safety pins and holes styling it, and black high tops.

"You gonna tell me what happened to your face?" Emori questioned as she took some flyers to help put them up. She had a feeling she already knew but she thought she'd ask anyways.

"The usual. Sinclair knows about everything now, by the way." He said as he put up another flyer. The school was surprisingly open to having papers stuck all over their walls. Also, didn't mind letting Murphy and Emori come in on a weekend instead of having them try to do it fast as to not miss class.

"Wait, like Raven's guardian, Sinclair?" Emori asked with concern as she got more tape from Murphy. Sinclair had come up yesterday during their time at the diner. The flyers were for the auditions for his new band. He'd had one at their old school but none of the members got transferred here except Murphy and Emori.

Murphy nodded. "Yes, how many other Sinclair's do you know?" Murphy chuckled a bit. "Don't worry he won't tell anybody." He clarified at her alarmed expression.

"How can you be certain?" She asked with concern. She loved Murphy and the last thing she would want is him having to leave town because Sinclair couldn't keep his trap shut.

He stopped for a second and then looked over at her. "I can't be. Just gotta hope." He laughed a bit self-deprecatingly. He moved to the other side of the hall with Emori hot on his heels.

"Hope? Hope?! Murphy, you have never ever had any hope for anything! You can't be serious." She proclaimed with a look of mild shock. Murphy has always been the most pessimistic and gloomy one of the group.

He turned to look at her. "It's not like I have hope I just feel like why even bother worrying. I'm gonna be 18 in a month, if Sinclair tells, I'll skip town and come back on my birthday. Done and done." He grinned at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

She smiled at him. "You had that planned since you told him, didn't you?" She asked with joy. She loved Murphy so much and that was one of the reasons why. He was always thinking way ahead of when he needed to.

"Longer than that. I've had that plan for years. Leave if I get tattled on and come back on my 18th birthday exactly. It's foolproof." He smirked.

Later that day, after they put some flyers up in town too, they had received enough calls that they just moved some of the auditions for the band to today. After meeting with people, they ended up picking who they wanted and taking the flyers down (which was actually really annoying since they had just put them up. Murphy was prepared to scream.)

Murphy was the lead singer and he played guitar. Emori was the drummer and a singer. Then they chose Miller and Jasper to join. Miller was also going to play guitar, piano and be a singer. Finally, Jasper was a piano player, could play a lot of other instruments, and was a singer.

Band name, merchandise, and much more was still to be discussed and decided but they had the members and that was currently more important. After all that, Murphy went to work at the auto shop until 5.

Then after that he was walking home when his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and answered. "Hello, gorgeous friend of mine." He smiled.

"Said the cockroach to the raven." Raven laughed from the other side of the phone. (A/N her line was a quote from the 100 ayeeee!) Murphy laughed a bit at her comment as well. "I actually called to invite you to dinner with me, Octavia, and Sinclair. You can bring Emori or somebody if you want. Unless you're busy of course."

"Nah, I just got off work actually. Free for the night. You sure you want me there? I'm a bit of a Debby-downer." He chuckled.

"Yes, I want you here. We're having chicken Alfredo in 20 minutes. If you wanna come I can pick you up." She offered and he could practically hear her smile which made him smile for some reason.

"I'll come if you're positive, but I can just walk there. I'll grab Emori and we'll be there soon. Thank you, Raven." She hummed in response before hanging up.

Murphy went and picked up Emori who was also still in her outfit from earlier. He explained and they both headed to Raven's house, neither of them were the kind of people to ignore free food.

They arrived and Murphy knocked on the door. Raven answered it with a smile and ushered them in. "You're both just on time." She grinned.

They all walked into the house right as Sinclair hollered and said it was done. He walked into the dining room and placed the food on the set dining table while Octavia, Raven, Murphy and Emori all sat.

They got their food and at first it was a tad awkward, but soon they lolled into casual conversation. Raven mentioned that she was going to go for the job at the auto shop where Murphy worked and Murphy and Emori mentioned the band.

It was a surprisingly nice time and at the end, they all politely said their goodbyes and got on their ways. Emori and Murphy were walking home together and Emori couldn't help but bring something up.

"So, you got the hots for her?" She asked out of the blue referring to Raven and Murphy nearly choked on his own spit.

"What do you mean?! No! She's my friend." Murphy exclaimed and tried to ignore the slight warmth in his face from what he could only assume was a little blush.

Emori laughed. "Yeah, right! And me and Anya are only pals! Ha!" She cackled a bit maniacally then she looked at her best friend who was subconsciously averting his eyes. "Aww, you're blushinggg!" She drew out the word as she poked his cheek.

He quickly swatted her hand back. "No! Stop. I don't have a crush on her. I think she's pretty, funny and nice but she's way out of my league." He informed her, making Emori sigh as they approached her house.

She turned to face him with a now serious face. "Y'know Murph, I wish you could see yourself how other people do. Me and a lot of other people think you're great. Attractive, funny, and caring, but you just can't see it." She hugged him quickly and then looked him in the eye again. "You're not gonna go after her because you don't think you're good enough and once you realize how wrong you were, then it'll be too late."

She walked up to the door and waved. "Love you, boo. Good luck." She smiled at him and once she heard his reply of "love you too, sis." She went inside and closed the door.

Murphy started walking back to his house and couldn't help but mumble something to himself. Something that he'd later regret ever thinking.

"Maybe it'd be better if it were too late."

A/N Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that this chapter took so long I just really can't stay focused on this story but I'm gonna try to be better!

Enjoy and keep reading! <3

The New KidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora