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(Narrator POV)
It had been a week and it was currently the last day of November. Everything was still going fairly well and every aspect of Murphy's life was shockingly happy.

Of course, all good things must come to an end.

Murphy was just getting home. He had gone to school and then work afterwards. He was wearing dark grey jeans, a red hoodie, and high top black vans.

When he unlocked the door and walked in, he was greeted with his lovely girlfriend sitting on a kitchen stool. He had given Raven, Emori, Miller and Fox all a key to his apartment in case of emergencies. When he left school, he told her to go ahead to his apartment and he'd be there soon, so here she sat.

Raven was wearing a black sweater, dark blue jeans, tan high tops and Murphy's dark green jacket.

"Hello, beautiful girlfriend of mine." Murphy smiled and gave her a kiss that she received happily. He put his arm over her shoulders and looked down at what was in her hands. "What you up to?" He questioned.

She grinned. "I'm building a robot." She said nonchalantly but with a hint of pride. Murphy just smiled and kissed her cheek before walking around the peninsula counter and going to the fridge.

"Of course you are. I'll never get over how cool you are." He chuckled as he grabbed a bottle of water and walked back over to her, but on the opposite side of the counter. She grinned at his comment, but said nothing so he spoke again. "You hungry?" She nodded a bit.

Just when he was gonna go look in the fridge for something to make, his phone rang. The number was unknown, but he answered anyways since both Anya and Jasper had a tendency to break their phones and need new ones.

"Murphy." He said in greeting and he heard someone's breath hitch on the other side. He furrowed his brows. "Hello?"

"I-is this John?" A female voice asked and Murphy felt like the voice was familiar but he couldn't place it. He sighed at the name because he hadn't gone by it since he was like 11.

"I haven't been John since I was 11, it's Murphy now, but sure it's me. Who's this?" He asked while he closed the fridge and started looking through a cabinet instead.

"Um, okay please don't hang up." The girl said and Murphy made a face of confusion. Then he held up a box of pasta to Raven in a way of asking if she wanted some, she nodded.

"Okay, I guess I won't hang up." He said while grabbing tomato sauce and setting it down. He grabbed a pot out of the cabinet and went to set it on the stove.

"This is Morgan." The woman said and he dropped the pot which tumbled to the ground with a loud clatter. Raven winced at the noise and looked at him with question as his eyes widened.

"Morgan?" Murphy breathed out, then broke his word and hung up the phone. "Absolutely not." He said and picked up the pot before he started to panic.

"Who was that?" Raven questioned as she set down her tools to give him her full attention. She was now a tad concerned about him since he looked rather alarmed.

"I- I have a sister. When our dad died, she left me alone with our mother when she was becoming abusive." He took a deep breath and filled the pot with water. "Whatever, noodle time." He said with indifference.

Raven knew Murphy well enough to understand that he was bothered by this, but he was trying to distract himself.

Murphy set his phone on the counter next to Raven's just so if she called he could ignore it easier or pretend that Raven's phone was the one ringing.

Just then, his phone rang again and he stared at it like it was a portal to the underworld that had just snapped open in his kitchen.

"Want me to answer? She's probably not gonna stop trying." Raven said and he nodded in response to her question. She picked up the phone and answered. "Hello?"

"Wha- who's this?" Morgan asked from the other side of the phone and Murphy overheard so he just nodded to tell Raven that she could tell Morgan anything she wanted to.

"Raven, Murphy's girlfriend. Are you Morgan?" She asked while watching Murphy start cooking. He looked more relaxed already, since cooking tended to calm him down. Luckily, he was also a great cook so nobody was going to complain.

"Yes, I'm Morgan. Wait, my baby brother has a girlfriend?" She sounded shocked and Raven was slightly offended that she didn't seem to think Murphy could get a girl.

"Yes, he does. Why are you calling him?" Raven got to the point and Morgan sighed. Murphy was listening more intently for this answer.

"I want to apologize for everything. I want a relationship with him." Murphy's eyebrows furrowed in a mix of anger and confusion. He took the phone from Raven and she went to make sure the food didn't burn.

"Are you kidding me?! You left me alone with our drunken abusive mother because it was convenient for you. You could have stayed and helped me because she would have listened to you or you could have taken me with you! You didn't have to leave me all alone with her." Murphy hissed with his anger flaring dangerously.

"John- I mean Murphy, sorry. Can you honestly tell me that you would have taken a little sibling with you when you left the house?" She asked with a scoff.

"Yes! I would have taken my younger sibling with me when I left our neglectful and abusive home! Matter of fact, I wouldn't have been able to leave them there! But you did because I didn't fit into your perfect little plan." Murphy yelled with irritation. "Now that I can take care of myself, you call." Murphy scoffed. "How'd you even get my number?" He sighed, annoyed.

"I went to mom's house when I got back in town and I saw your number on the fridge." She told him. "Look, I'm sorry, just give me a chance to get to know you." She sounded sort of desperate.

"So, you found my number?" He asked and she hummed in affirmation. "Then do me a favor and lose it next." He hung up and set his phone down.

The urge to throw things was growing stronger, but he was not going to do it. He carded his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"I should get a punching bag." Murphy said and silently agreed that he would. Raven laughed a bit and nodded in agreement.

She didn't mind his anger issues because he never wanted to hurt people when it got out of control. He just wanted to punch and throw things which was harmful to his belongings and sometimes himself, so she did want him to find something that wouldn't hurt to punch.

They ate dinner in mostly silence while they both thought of a million things. Later the two said goodbye and he promised that he'd be fine by himself.

He tossed and turned half of the night while thinking about all the pain that could have been avoided if Morgan could have just taken him with her. But he also probably wouldn't have met Raven and that wasn't an option. If the pain he experienced lead him to Raven then he supposed it was worth it.

Morgan would hopefully back off or at least think about how most of his pain could have been avoided if she hadn't been selfish. If she called again, Murphy would block her and he saw no way for her to find his school, work or address.

There was no way, right?

A/N hey! Hope you enjoyed and keep reading. Also, Yes Morgan is an Original character.

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