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(Narrator POV)
Only the beginning indeed. Most of the friends went to the same college, and if not, they went to one only a few minutes away.

None of the couples broke up. Matter of fact, they only got closer. When they were 20, Finn purposed to Luna and she said yes. When they were 24, they got married and had their first kid when they were 26. Her name was Lilly and later on they had a son named Heath.

When they were 21 Anya purposed to Emori and they got married when they were 23. Adopting their first kid at the age of 28, they got a little boy from Cuba named Marco. He was their only child for a long time until they adopted a little boy from Italy named Nico.

Roan and Ontari eloped when they were 19 and had their first kid when they were 21. They named her Marilyn, and then they had three more kids later on, Gerard, Brendon and Josh. Yes, all named after singers. They also got a brown Great Dane named Moose.

Miller purposed to Bryan when they were 26 and they got married a year later. They adopted a little boy named Tommy when they were 30. The couple also got an English mastiff named Bernard.

Lincoln purposed to Octavia when she turned 22 and they got married after a long engagement when she was 28. They had one baby, a girl named Athena. They also got two German Shepards named Bullet and Trigger and a black rabbit named Bugs.

Harper purposed to Monty when they were 24 in order to 'screw gender roles'. They got married when they were 25 and had their son, Jordan, when they were 27.

Jasper and Maya skipped being engaged and just got married when they were both 27. They had their daughter, Emerald (Emi for short) when they were 29 and they got their pet cat named whiskers shortly after.

Fox had an array of reptiles and she had adopted a little girl named Saturn when she was 28. She still didn't date and her friends were very respectful of that.

Finally, Murphy and Raven got engaged when they were 21, got married when they were 22 and had their first kid when they were 25. Twin boys, Spencer and Keith. They were not identical twins, but sometimes they still tried to pull off the whole switching places for a day thing. Later on, Raven and Murphy also had a daughter which they named Dawn. They also still had the corgi named Marble and the cat named Zero, plus an Alaskan malemute named Delta.

All the friends still lived within a couple minutes of each other and most lived in the same neighborhood. Murphy still had his apartment, but now it was more of an art studio than anything else.

The group of friends still hung out almost everyday and their kids had become the best of friends. The animals even loved each other.

Ontari became a dancer until she was 30 and then she became a dance teacher, Roan was a boxer and wrestler until he was about 37 and then he started a gym and training center.

Emori became an author and journalist with many best sellers and popular articles, Anya became a lawyer after a lot of school and she now defended the innocent ferociously. She almost never lost a case.

Bryan became a fabulous surgeon who specialized in brains, Miller took the job as a cop and then eventually got the opportunity to be the captain of the station.

Finn and Luna both became therapists/phycologists and opened up a business/rehab together where they both worked to help everyone. Luna was also the founder of many charities, while Finn worked with companies to better the planet.

Octavia started an animal clinic and was one of the best Vets in the state while also funding many animal shelters, Lincoln became a self defense teacher after years of being in a SWAT unit for the police.

Monty became a world renowned physicist and botanist and he made many Earth-Changing discoveries while also starting up his own major botanical garden (which quickly became one of the biggest in the world), Harper started her job as a chef and then swiftly became the owner of 3 different restaurants.

Maia became a wonderful nurse and started a blog where she told all of the hospital horror stories, Jasper became one of the leading video game designers and eventually started his own video game company.

Finally, Raven became one of the top engineers and started working for NASA and she was a mechanic too before focusing more on the engineering, Murphy became a tattoo artist, mechanic, photographer and artist, he eventually started his own tattoo parlor and auto shop in order to make more money.

Morgan and Murphy talked on rare occasion, but she was around every now and again. She had at least met her nephews and niece.

Meanwhile, Sinclair was always spending time with the two lovebirds and his grandkids. He was so happy that Raven had ended up with Murphy.

Turns out Murphy and Raven really were meant to be and their friend group really was unbreakable. No matter what, everyone was always there for the others.

Over the years they had a couple spats here and there, but everyone always came back, closer than ever before. Even if they all grew old, they would never become sad or worried about life and their friendships. True family didn't need to be related by blood and the best families are made.

All of the friends took great comfort in the fact that when they did grow old and die in like 60 years, their kids would never be alone because they'd have each other. Everyone would stick together, no matter what.

Because after all, it's never the end, only a new beginning.

A/N Hello! That's the end! Hope you enjoyed and if you got all the way to the end, thank you so much! Peace!

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