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(Narrator POV)
The next morning was a Saturday so Sinclair made the two teens pancakes which they ate with him gratefully. Emori had sent the video to Murphy and Sinclair was currently watching it in awe.

"Ouch, you really did hit him hard." Sinclair winced as he heard the crack of Wick's nose on the first punch. Murphy just nodded as he put another bite in his mouth. He was still in the clothes from his costume, but he didn't mind.

"You should have seen it in person. He did all that with his fractured finger, which is probably broken now." Raven said as she sipped her orange juice.

"Yeah, not my smartest decision, but my right-handed punches hit harder than my left." Murphy agreed with a grin and Sinclair handed back the phone.

"Well, thank you for helping her and finally punching him in the face." Sinclair said truthfully. "I would normally say that violence is bad, but honestly as long as you never hit Raven or any girl for that matter, I don't care."

"I would never hit Raven or any girl." Murphy said with truth as he read a text from Emori. "And... everyone at school is officially terrified of me." Murphy chuckled.

"I'm not surprised." Raven said and Murphy and Sinclair nodded in agreement. "Now, you agreed to help me with revenge." She addressed Murphy's earlier promise.

"That I did. What exactly were you thinking?" He asked as he ate a strawberry slice from his fruit salad. Sinclair spoke before Raven could.

"You're moving soon right?" Murphy's eyes widened and he quickly glanced between Raven and Sinclair before nodding hesitantly. "Well, what if Raven pretended to be moving in with you as a start to the revenge."

"That's gonna take a while. I can't start really apartment hunting until after my 18th birthday because most landlords in the town won't even let me look because I'm 17. Then I have to find an apartment and move. It's gonna take time." Murphy informed them and Raven just looked confused.

"You didn't tell me you were moving." She said with a raised eyebrow in question. She knew that his favorite fruit was strawberries and that he had like 25 of the exact same black shirt and yet she didn't know that he was freaking moving!

"Look, I'm not technically moving yet so I haven't really started talking about it." Murphy looked at her with some reassurance. "Sinclair only knows because he has a truck and I asked if he'd let me borrow it to help me move." Murphy made a light fib. He hated lying to Raven, but in a few more weeks he wouldn't have to anymore.

"Of course, I told him that he could and I also kind of volunteered you to help." Sinclair smiled innocently. When Raven went to speak, Sinclair interrupted. "Before you complain, half of your friends are helping too."

"I wasn't going to complain. I was going to say that I was happy to help. Now, as for revenge, I want to make him pay." Raven said with honesty.

"We could always put a skunk in his car to start." Murphy suggested nonchalantly, without looking up from his last bite of food.

"How do you even come up with this stuff? And where would you even get a skunk? How would you get it in his car?" Raven questioned Murphy while Sinclair just stared at him in a mix of confused awe and horror.

"Okay, I've kind of done it before." Murphy said with an innocent grin as the other two squawked 'what?!'. "Alright, So me and my friends were like 11 and there was this dude who lived in our neighborhood. He was always yelling at us and his son bullied Fox so we got a skunk and released it in his car. It sprayed and then we let it out and gave it some berries. No person or skunk got hurt but the family smelled for days." He chuckled a bit.

"How'd you get the skunk though?" Sinclair asked. As long as the animal wasn't hurt, he didn't really care. They probably wouldn't get caught and if they did, they would only get a slap on the wrist.

"Animal trap thing. It was almost too easy." Murphy chuckled. "We could do other stuff, I'm full of ideas. If we fill his car with sand we're less likely to get in trouble."

And...that's how Raven and Murphy ended up outside Wick's house at 2 in the morning with too many bags of sand and stupid grins plastered on their faces.

Raven had just broken up with Wick that morning and she was super happy. Murphy was no longer wearing his Halloween costume and was now wearing black high top vans, black jeans, a black shirt, a dark blue unzipped hoodie and a black leather jacket over everything. Raven was now wearing black jeans, black combat boots, a red shirt, a black unzipped hoodie and a black leather jacket on top. They were both wearing gloves and had the hoods of their hoodies up.

"I can't believe that we're doing this?!" Raven whisper-shouted at Murphy who was currently breaking into the car. You need the doors open if you're gonna fill it with sand.

"I know! I seriously thought you'd go for the skunk." Murphy said sarcastically as the door popped open seamlessly.

"You know what I mean, Murph. This is the first crazy thing I think I've ever done." Raven ignored Murphy's mumbled reply of 'now that's just sad' and continued her sentence. "Thank you for helping me."

"Anytime. I'll always be here when you need me." Murphy told her as he used his pocket knife to cut open the first bag and Raven helped him heave it into the car.

As they started pouring, Raven asked something. "You'd still be here for me even if we dated and broke up?" Raven questioned genuinely and Murphy froze in his pouring for only a second before resuming.

"I don't normally imagine a break up, but yes, I'd still be here whenever you needed me." He said as the last bits of that sand fell from the bag and he went to get the next.

"Why?" She asked when they started pouring the second bag. She was just curious because she'd never met anyone who said something like that to her before.

"Because you were my friend first and no matter what, I'll care." He answered and her eyes softened with a sweet smile. "Don't tell anyone I said that, I have a reputation to withhold." He joked and she snickered quietly.

They eventually finished filling his car after only a couple minutes and then they fled the scene. They got rid of the sand bags and went back to Raven's house.

Sinclair and Raven insisted that Murphy stay until Sunday night and for the first time ever, he didn't argue too much. They ended up watching a movie before they both fell asleep on the couch.

In the morning, the awoke cuddling but it wasn't awkward. They got news of Wick being real shocked when he found his car and somehow Emori managed to get a video of it. She sent it to Murphy and everyone spent a good hour making jokes about it.

They ended up hanging at her house all day where they played video games and watched movies together. On Sunday night, Murphy went back home but first Raven made him promise that he'd come over again soon. Of course, who was he to argue with Raven Reyes.

Soon he'd move and then he'd be free. He'd probably end up with Raven, at least he hoped that. Everything was going great right now and Murphy had a sick feeling that soon something would ruin it. He tried to stay positive though and not think about how he felt an impending doom.

As far as he was concerned, things were looking up.

A/N Thank you so much for the support! I hope you enjoyed and keep reading. <3

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