The Concert

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This is an extra long chapter. There is very little to no dialogue. There are many songs in this as well. Here they are listed in order. Videos are linked at the bottom.
1. In This World - Joel Vaughn
2. Sorry About Your Parents - Icon For Hire
3. Free - 7eventh Time Down
4. Breathe Me - Sia
5. Jar Of Hearts - Christina Perri
(Narrator POV)
It was now March. Over a month had passed since the death of Mrs. Murphy. Murphy himself was doing alright but he hadn't had much contact with Morgan since the incident.

He had been spending an abundance of time with Raven, however. They had also spent Valentine's Day together which led to Raven getting a Blue Merle Corgi puppy from Murphy.

She had always wanted one of those and with Sinclair's permission, Murphy made her wish come true. She named the little creature Marble.

Now, Murphy and the band were planning an end of the year blow out concert to celebrate the coming up of Prom and Graduation.

That was a whole thing too! They were all graduating which meant college was next. Raven and Murphy had just ended up applying to all the same places and if one excepted them both then they'd go there. Murphy for mechanics and art and Raven for mechanics and engineering.

The stress levels were rising, but everyone was trying to focus on the day to day in order to remain calm.

Wick had also started butting back into the group a bit by actually making some rude comments about Murphy and his relationship with Raven. He also started a huge rumor that Murphy murdered his mom which surprisingly didn't last long because people just looked at the public police report and saw that she had liver failure and drank herself to death.

Of course, Wick took that chance to unknowingly spill the beans on Murphy's abusive childhood by starting a rumor about his mother beating him. Murphy shockingly didn't deny that rumor and just let it run its course.

He instead chose to focus on the band. They had played a few gigs and they officially had a name now, The Falcons. It was basically because one time when Murphy, Emori, Jasper and Miller were hanging out at Miller's house, a falcon landed on the tree outside his window while they were trying to pick a name for the band.

There had also been talk of Raven possibly moving in with Murphy when summer hit. Sinclair didn't really mind because Raven was turning 18 by the end of June.

The entire friend group, minus Murphy, Miller, Emori and Jasper, were currently stood outside a venue in a VIP line that they got into, curtesy of their musically inclined companions who were waiting inside.

"This place is snazzy I'm a little surprised they got a gig here." Finn commented as the line moved up. They were all wearing their nicest clubbing clothes.

"This isn't just a gig, dimwit! This is a big blowout for the end of our last year! It had to be special." Anya said, never failing to call someone stupid.

"Isn't everyone from our school invited?" Roan asked as he looked around over most of their heads. Sometimes they all forgot that he was at least a head taller than most of them and he could see over them with ease.

"Yeah. Everyone." Octavia informed with the last part mumbled. She was pondering if Wick would have the nerve to show his face, and considering his arrogance, she assumed he would.

They got to the front of the line and were all given silver paper wrist bands with purple writing. The group walked in and were amazed.

They were on the VIP balcony which was the same height as the stage but was concealed from the crowd on the left by a huge purple curtain. The stage was black with a giant white skull in the middle of it and many colorful flashing lights.

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