The First Day

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A/N it's the same day as last chapter just in Murphy's point of view.
(Murphy POV)
Ugh! The first day of senior year, and at a new school to make matters worse. Hey, let's look on the bright side, this is the last year which means that each day, I'm a day closer to graduating and becoming a failure. Yay!

And people say I'm pessimistic, pfft. What I just said was plenty optimistic aside from the comment on my inevitable failure.

After I shower and brush my teeth, I throw on the first clothes I see that are clean. My room's not messy, I just have some clothes here and there.

I bound down the stairs and out the door without even sparing my mother a glance.

My dad died when I was 9, I was sick and he was going to go get me some medicine when a truck ran into him. My mom blames me and became a drunk. She abuses and neglects me, but we're not getting into that today. I'm already sad enough that I have to go back to school, I don't need to be bummed out over my sucky life too.

I hop on my motorcycle and ride to school. Once I get there I find my friends, who are also transferring to this school, standing by one of their cars.

I literally saw them yesterday so we don't hug or anything. All of our family lives aren't ideal and most of us aren't too big on hugging anyway.

First there's Emori Flag. She's my best friend. She's going to be an author and she currently writes the school newspaper even though not many people read it. She's dating Anya. She is sarcastic and sassy, but nice to her friends. She lost half of her left arm in a shark attack when she went on vacation to Florida when she was 11. She has a couple prosthetics, but she doesn't always wear them. She's wearing a grey beanie, a black Metallica t-shirt, grey jeans and black combat boots.

Second is Roan Snow. He's dating Ontari, who is also his best friend. He's wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans and black boots. He's pretty quiet and flirtatious, but he's nice. He's going to be a boxer and judging by how easily he wins fights, he'll be pretty good at it.

Number three is Ontari Torres. She's sassy and rude, but she has her moments. She's wearing a black tank top, black shorts and black knee high boots. She's always chewing gum obnoxiously and she's gonna be a dancer apparently. We argue a lot because... I honestly have no idea we just don't get along most of the time.

Then for number four we have Anya Oak. She's gonna be a lawyer. She doesn't have any best friends because she says she dislikes us all an equal amount, but we know she loves us. She's wearing a navy blue long sleeved crop top, black jeans, and black high tops. She's quiet and she pretends to hate most things.

Lucky number five is Fiona Grand. Everyone calls her Fox. She's sassy and gets distracted easily. She doesn't like to date so she plans to be single for eternity apparently, which I honestly respect. She and I quote 'don't need no man or woman.'. She's going to be an FBI agent. Her best friend is a girl named Luna who supposedly goes to this school. She's wearing a red t-shirt, black jeans and black combat boots.

Finally there's me. Number six. John Murphy. Everyone calls me Murphy. I'm sarcastic and rude most of the time. I'm nice to my friends, but that's pretty much it. I'm in the art club and I'm the school photographer. I'm going to be a tattoo artist and mechanic while being an artist and photographer on the side. I know it's a lot, but if I'm gonna do this stuff as hobbies anyway, I might as well get paid for it. I'm also single because I'm self deprecating and rude. Or something like that.

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