Happy Holidays

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Hi! I know that not everybody celebrates Christmas but that's the only December holiday that I'm well acquainted with. Thank you and sorry.

Also there is barely any talking in this chapter, I'm so sorry.
(Narrator POV)
The Holiday times were approaching! It had been a few weeks since the Morgan meeting and they had talked a little bit since.

Christmas/Hanukkah/other December holidays were fast on their way. As was the New Year. The plan was that all the friends were going to spend Christmas Eve with each other and then Christmas Day with their families.

Except Murphy, he was staying the night at Raven's and celebrating Christmas there. Sinclair wouldn't take no for an answer. Murphy didn't want to say no, but as usual he felt like a burden so he tried to.

Christmas Eve was to be spent at Tabby's diner and Murphy's place. So, bright and early on Christmas Eve day Murphy awoke.

He showered and all that jazz before getting dressed in a red sweater, black jeans, red high top vans, his wolf bracelet on one wrist, a bunch of rubber bracelets on the other, and a necklace with a blue arrowhead on it.

Of course, the outfit wasn't very Christmas-y but all of his friends had already changed his contact name to 'The Grinch' for the holidays so why turn back now.

He then started cooking his friends the meal that they had begged for. You taste Murphy's cooking once and you're hooked for life. So all of his friends wanted him to make food and since he liked to, he might as well.

Murphy turned on some (not Christmas) music and began cooking. He was making a ham and a turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, bread rolls, baked mac 'n' cheese, carrots and corn. Plus apple and pumpkin pie.

It was a lot and Murphy was about ten minutes away from a panic attack. Raven texted and asked if she could come over early, he immediately replied 'yes, as long as you don't distract me too much from cooking because I am in over my head here.'

Morgan also asked if he had plans which he said he did and now he was debating inviting her since literally all his friends said he could. Also, they all wanted to meet her.

Raven knocked and Murphy hollered for her to come in. She was wearing a dark green sweater, dark red jeans, black combat boots, her wolf bracelet, a necklace that had what looked like a mini snow globe, and her hair was down with a Santa hat on top.

"Hello, handsome." She grinned at Murphy and pecked his cheek. "What can I do to help?" She asked after he smiled back at her.

"Um, I need you to make the mashed potatoes while I prep that stupid bird over there." Murphy said while gesturing to the thawed turkey on the counter. She nodded and began doing the mashed potatoes. "Thank you."

They made all the food and Murphy did end up inviting Morgan over since everyone wanted to meet her so bad.

She got there after Finn, Luna and Octavia did and immediately introduced herself. Everyone started filing in and soon they ate and then started the epic/cheesy Christmas movie marathon.

Everyone praised Murphy and Raven nonstop for the food. Mainly, Murphy but still. Morgan was a little surprised that he could cook so well.

At 12:00am they all got ready to leave, but before everyone left they did their secret Santa. That tended to be much easier in a friend group as large as theirs because each person would only get their secret Santa target a gift. Plus their significant other and best friend if they weren't the target that was drawn.

The secret Santa's were like so, Murphy got Anya a switchblade, Raven got Luna a surfboard, Emori got Miller a new game controller, Anya got Finn a golden football statue, Roan got Monty a telescope, Ontari got Murphy a pocket knife, Fox got Bryan a baseball bat, Miller got Raven a bunch of new tools, Bryan got Fox a neon yellow jacket, Finn got Roan some new boxing gloves, Luna got Jasper some herbal essence things that were supposed to calm nerves, Octavia got Harper a stereo, Harper got Ontari a leather jacket, Jasper got Emori a bunch of bandanas, Maya got Octavia some makeup, Monty got Lincoln a football jersey signed by some famous player, Lastly, Lincoln got Maya a new sweater.

Of course, everyone still had best friends and significant others to give presents to, which they did. Except Raven and Murphy didn't exchange yet because they would be together on Christmas.

Murphy did give Emori a whole writing kit thing and he received an art kit from her. Great minds, think alike. Raven gave Octavia a new vanity light and received a robot model from her.

Murphy also gave Morgan a whole bunch of drawings of her since she seemed so into his art. She gave him a hoodie with a cat face on it since he loved cats.

Everyone left, including Murphy. Him and Raven headed to her house and were cheerfully greeted by Sinclair. They ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching the Grinch.

The two woke up early and began exchanging gifts. Sinclair got Raven many things and he got Murphy a professional photography camera. Murphy got Sinclair a bunch of documentaries on the desert because the man had an obsession with them and Raven got him a couple books on psychology.

Murphy got Raven a necklace with a neon blue crystal, a bunch of tools and science equipment. He also got her a drone and a new volleyball. Raven got him a new guitar, art supplies, a black and blue jacket, and a giant cactus plant that was nearly as tall as he was.

Lastly, she got him a little black short-haired kitten with blue eyes and Murphy nearly cried. He named him Zero like the ghost dog on Nightmare before Christmas. Raven definitely thought it was adorable.

They spent the rest of the day together and with Sinclair. Just watching movies, eating and playing games.

Eventually Murphy went home and got his new cat all settled in. It was a pretty great Christmas if you asked any of them.

(About a week later, New Year's Eve.)
All the friends were at Murphy's apartment (except Morgan), counting down the time.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4!" They all chanted as the couples grew closer together. "3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" They all screamed and threw some confetti.

All the couples kissed and Fox kissed Murphy's cat on the forehead. Murphy and Raven rested their foreheads together afterwards with a smile.

"I love you." Murphy whispered so only she could hear. They'd never said it before and Raven was surprised that he was the first out of the two of them to say the words.

She smiled after disposing of her shock. "I love you too." She told him truthfully and they kissed again. They had technically only been dating for a little while but they had loved each other for a long time now.

They both silently agreed to something that night. It didn't matter what happened or who tried to come in between them, they had an unspoken agreement.

They were going to be together forever.

A/N Hope you enjoyed and keep reading! Sorry, this chapter had barely any talking and it kind of sucked but I hope you guys liked it. <3

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