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A/N btw I'm just making up Murphy's birthday bc I didn't want to make it the same as Richard Harmon (the actor who plays him) and I just feel like he'd be a fall birthday.

Warning! Abuse and violence.
(Narrator POV)
Halloween was approaching. It'd been about a week since the carnival and everyone was going to a Halloween party.

Along with Halloween, was the fast approach of Murphy's birthday. It was in the first week of November and a few weeks or days after that he'd be moving out.

That's why Murphy was currently packing up all his stuff. He had pretty much everything packed except clothes, art stuff, toiletries and electronic stuff. He used that stuff everyday so he wasn't about to bury it underneath a load of other junk.

The party that night was all about the costumes so everyone had been planning for a while. Wick was gonna be there, but he was showing up way later than the rest of them.

Speaking of Wick, he had been on surprisingly good behavior for the past week. Of course, he also still thought that Raven was staying away from Murphy. Truthfully, the two hung out in homeroom and English class, they hung out after school and went to Tabby's diner or worked on homework and the project together. They also texted, called and FaceTimed more often than most people would admit.

She was now 'Book smarts <3' in his phone and he was 'Street smarts :)' in her phone. It was found to be adorable in the friend group. About that, the friend groups were now one again except at school. They still hung out at events, after school and they still texted in the group chat.

Basically, all the friends were still hanging out behind Wick's back. Well, technically only Raven and Murphy were being friends behind his back because the others hung out together in front of him since they were 'allowed to'. Nobody remembered asking for permission, but whatever.

Now, costume plans were crazy. Octavia was going as cleopatra so she wore a low cut white dress that was opened partially on the sides so you could see the side of her legs and then she had some gold sandals that went up to her knees. She had a golden snake belt on and some really nice Egyptian makeup.

Lincoln was going as a werewolf so he was wearing blue jeans, tan work boots, a shredded white t-shirt, fake wolf claws, fangs, hair patches everywhere and some fake blood to look like cuts.

Jasper was going as a ghostbuster so he basically just had a tan jumpsuit and a vacuum strapped to his back. He made it work fabulously by painting the ghostbusters symbol on the jumpsuit and vacuum.

Monty was going as Pikachu so he painted himself neon yellow, wore yellow jeans, yellow high tops and a yellow t-shirt, painted the red circles on his cheeks and designed himself a tail.

Maia went as Snow White, so basically she just got the dress and put on some makeup with red flats for the shoes.

Harper went as Alice from Alice in wonderland so she bought the dress, and then wore white tights under it with black flats and a black headband.

Finn, Luna, Fox, Bryan and Miller all weren't going to be there though. Finn had a football thing and Luna was going to go support him. Miller and Bryan were both grounded because they snuck out to see each other late at night and got caught breaking curfew. Fox wasn't coming because she had to take her little sister and cousins trick or treating.

Emori was going as Catwoman so she just had a Catwoman costume and some dark makeup. Anya chose to go as the grim Reaper so she just had a black cloak and a fake scythe.

Roan decided to go as aqua man so he just wore some brown pants, black shoes and he had Ontari and Murphy paint the tattoos on him.

Ontari decided to go as a female Captain Jack Sparrow. She got the hat, pirate outfit and all the props. She did her hair in a kind of braided dread with lots of beading.

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