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(Mark is 46 years old, and other members ages are accordingly)

It was 8 am on a Sunday morning. I was having breakfast in bed. English tea, buttered toast and fruit salad, my go-to breakfast. I was having my meal while watching the news on the television.

I was feeling relaxed after such a long time. It's been a really stressful week because of work. My wife left for work early in the morning. Yep, she works on Sundays as well, if necessary.

My 6-year-old son, Hades, jumped on my bed.

Mark: It's tickle time!

I started tickling him. He started laughing and giggling adorably while asking me to stop.

Hades: Dad, it tickles.

I just continued doing so. I adore my young man very much. He is gonna be a baby for me even after 10 years. My tickling session stopped when I heard my room door opening wide. It was opened with a force which created a loud noise. My son and I both stopped and sat in attention position. The person at the door was my 16-year-old daughter, Athena.

Athena: You guys done?

She asked with her hands on her hips and a serious expression on her face. Her tone of talking to us, I admit, was a bit, rude. My apologies for that, she is going through puberty right now.

Athena: Dad, he has his project due for summer.

Mark: But there is still a month left to your vacation.

Athena: Dad, the vacation is two months long. He wasted one month of it already and now only one of it is left. Do you want him to keep putting off his project and finish it a few days before the summer break ends?

Mark: Fine! I'll help him with the project on the coming Sunday.

Athena: You can't keep procrastinating, Dad. What will Hades learn from you? And besides, I've got plans too. Mom asked me to help him before she left and I gotta complete it.

Mark: Fine, you guys go down and wait for me. I will meet you after taking a bath.

I stood up from the bed and was going to my bathroom.

Athena: Hades, start running before I catch you.

Hades started running and Athena ran after him.

Mark: Don't run. Your Mom will kill me if she finds out that you guys got hurt in her stead.

After taking a nice bath, I started going downstairs. I really didn't want to but as parents, your kids are always your priority, right?

I sat down on the couch and sighed a little. I asked our housemaid to prepare for me a cup of coffee. A strong one. I would be needing it.

Mark: What is the project, champ?

Hades: I have to write about my parent's love story for this project.

Mark: What?

Athena: I'll explain. I read through his teacher's instructions. In honour of the parents day, they have to write about how their parents met and how things went by.

Hades: We have to stick pictures too. The pictures that you clicked with Mommy.

Mark: Well, you guys know about our story.

Athena: No, Dad. We don't. You never told us. We have no idea about how you guys met.

Mark: Now that I come to think of it, I really never told you about our story. So, I'll tell you now. It was 28 years ago. In the year 1991...

Present ends~~~

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