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Milli grabbed herself a book on Indian society and went back to sit with the others.

Chenle, who was studying maths looked up to see what Milli was reading.

Chenle: Hey, what is that you are reading?

He said while pointing towards the book with his pen.

Milli: Oh, it's a book on Indian society.

Jisung, who was reading a magazine looked up when he heard her saying that.

Jisung: Noona, why are you reading a book on Indian society?

Milli: It's for research work. Mark has to make a project on Indian society. He asked for my help and here I am.

Milli said while smiling.

Haechan and Renjun overheard her talking to them and got confused.

Haechan: Mark hyung got a project on Indian society? That's weird. He didn't tell anyone of us about it.

Haechan said while tilting his head a little. Chenle and Jisung agreed.

Milli: He said that he has to make this project for his Sociology class.

Renjun: What? He did? How could that happen? He doesn't even have Sociology.

They all got confused a little and then suddenly all their confusion got cleared up. They all started giggling and chuckling among themselves. Milli realised what they were thinking and blushed a little.

Meha was not having any of it. She just glared at everyone before standing up and going somewhere else to sit. As she stood up, Mark returned with Jeno and Jaemin.

Jeno: So, what did we all miss?

Jeno asked while sitting down. The guys just started chuckling among themselves.

Mark: So, Milli. I couldn't ask you earlier. Why did you join this school?

Jaemin, who heard the whole story from Renjun, said.

Jaemin: To help you with your project, hyung.

Mark was confused and didn't understand what Jaemin meant by that.

Mark: What? What are you talking about?

Mark turned towards Milli. Milli just smirked and said.

Milli: He is right, Mark. I transferred schools to help you with a project in a subject that you don't even have.

Mark went silent and also really embarrassed.

Mark: It's not what you all are thinking. I had a reason.

Milli: It's okay, Mark. You don't have to explain yourself. And I was just kidding. I didn't transfer to this school to help with your project. I transferred here because my brother thought that this school was perfect for us.

Renjun: This school? I feel like your previous school was better.

Jeno: Even I have heard highly about the school that you used to go to.

Haechan: Wait! Perhaps, were you poor at studying? And your family made you two move to this school?

Haechan said while chuckling. He obviously meant that in a joking way and had no intention of hurting the feelings of Milli.

Milli didn't smile and got serious.

The rest of them just glared at him. He looked down.

Jaemin: Don't mind what he said, Noona. He speaks before thinking.

Jaemin chided Haechan who was too embarrassed to say anything. Too embarrassed to even apologize.

Milli: It's okay, Haechan. You are right actually. I was poor at studying.

Jisung: Noona, then if you were poor at studying...then was your sister poor at studying too?

Milli: Uhm...No. She is good at studying. She just had to move because of me.

Chenle: I guess that is why she is in a bad mood. Anyways, seems like your parents are really strict.

Milli went silent when Chenle mentioned 'parents'. She just smiled a little and nodded. Mark noticed that and was about to ask her but stopped as he was called by his friend, Dino.

Dino walked up to them and said.

Dino: Hey guys! Have you seen Meha by any chance?

Milli: Uhm, No. But why?

Dino: Our Maths teacher who also happens to be our Class teacher asked me to help her around till she gets comfortable. He asked me to be with her all the time. He also asked me to inform Mark about the same. So, that he would look after you...

Mark cleared his throat and said.

Mark: I think I saw her going out of the library.

Dino: Oh, shoot! I guess I'll get going now. I gotta find her soon.

Dino walked away.

Soon after some classes. It was lunchtime. Milli went with Mark and sat with his group of friends, which is none other than the dreamies.

They also were talking over lunch when they were approached by Dino, once again.

Dino: Hey, guys! Have you seen Meha? She is not even with you guys. Where is she?

Milli: Sorry, Dino. I'm sorry that my sister is causing so much trouble. I'll go look for her.

Milli was about to stand and go but Mark stopped her. He held her wrist and pulled her down gently.

Mark: I'll go.

He gave her a reassuring smile and went out looking for her. He didn't want Milli to worry herself.

Mark went around looking for Meha. He was passing by the swimming pool when he heard the sound of someone sobbing. He stopped and was wondering whether he should go in or not. Suddenly, he heard splashing of water coming from inside. It sounded as if someone jumped into the water. He quickly made up his mind and walked inside.

Mark: Hello? Is anyone here?

Mark asked while entering the pool. He suddenly saw someone in the pool and realised that it was Meha. She wasn't swimming. She was more like drowning.

Mark: Do you know how to swim? Why aren't you flailing your arms around?

No response came from Meha obviously.

Mark took off his tie, his shoes and his socks and jumped right into the pool. He knew how to swim and managed to lift Meha above.

Meha started gasping for air as soon as Mark lifted her above in the pool. She was surprised to see that the person who saved her was none other than Mark.

Meha: What are you doing?

Mark: I should be the one asking you this. What are YOU doing? Are you out of your mind? Why did you jump into the pool if you don't know how to swim?

Meha just stared at him for a moment and then looked away.

Milli Met MarkWhere stories live. Discover now