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(Mark is 18, just to remind you)

I lived in a dorm with my friends. More like hyungs/ brothers. There were total 18 of us.

It was one of those Friday nights where all the hyungs went out, leaving me as the in charge. Whenever this used to happen, 7 of us were left alone in our all boys dorm. The 7 of us included, I, Mark Lee. Then, Huang Renjun, Lee Donghyuck, Lee Jeno, Na Jaemin, Zhong Chenle and Park Jisung. Jisung was 15. Chenle was 16 and the others were a year younger than me, 17.

I was a senior in high school at that time. I was studying till night to get into a good college. The others were sitting in my room talking, playing and doing anything which would help them to "waste" their time. That time, there weren't any smartphones or anything of that type. We had flip phones. And there was also nothing as social media.

Haechan: Guys, I am so bored.

Haechan said whining. The others joined him too.

Jaemin: I feel you, buddy! Why do the hyungs always leave us behind and go out to enjoy by themselves?

I didn't want them to hold any grudges against our hyungs. They really care for us. It's just that college life is not easy and it takes a toll on them. That's why, once a week, which is mostly during Fridays, they just wanna forget about everything and 'everyone' and just relax by going out and doing the things they normally do not get time to do.

Mark: Guys, they just needed a break. Let's not judge or resent them for that, yeah?

Renjun: Hyung? You are not saying this just because you are going to be one of them next year, right? You will also be an adult and wouldn't be bounded by others.

I went silent.

Jeno: Guys, don't say that about our hyungs. Not even Mark hyung. I spoke to Doyoung hyung about this matter. He said that they always have a lot of pressure to do well. They also feel a sense of duty to protect and care for us, even when it's not their job! Fridays are basically the only days where they can go out and release stress because of our dorm policy.

According to our dorm policy, those who are of the legal age are allowed to stay as much as they want during Fridays. But there is again restrictions on weekends. The underage people, such as I, can only go out but would have to return before 10 pm. The curfew for adults is 12 am. The adult curfew is just not applicable on Fridays.

Jisung: I am really hungry right now. I can't even focus on my studies.

I turned to look at Jisung. He was rubbing his stomach. The other looked hungry as well.

Mark: Chenle, Did you bring something to eat?

Chenle: No, do you think I'm a walking fridge?

Chenle got a bit upset when I asked him that.

Mark: Geez, I was just asking.

Chenle: Sorry, I'm just not in a great mood today. My Mom came to my school today. She wants me to come and live with her. But I do not want to leave you all. I could not even eat properly today and am starving right now.

Renjun: Why did you have to mention 'starving'?

I stood up from my seat and went to the kitchen. We really didn't have anything. Not even a single pack of ramen. We all were just broke school and college students who couldn't even afford to order food If there was nothing to eat. Jaemin was like the chef of our group, but due to lack of ingredients In the kitchen made it impossible for him to show his kitchen skills to us.

I went back to my room.

Mark: Guys, there is no food in the kitchen.

Jeno: Don't tell me that we have to starve.

Jeno started whining.

I felt bad for us. We all were hungry and didn't have anything to eat. I looked inside my worn out wallet. I had just 3$ in it. It was just enough for us to buy a snack to eat.

Mark: Guys, I have some money. Let's go and eat.

Jaemin: How much do you have?

Mark: 3$

Everyone went silent in the room.

Jisung: Hyung, you barely have enough to feed yourself. Are you going to feed all of us with that amount?

Mark: Of course. I think it's better for all of us to be able to eat a small amount, than one of us eating and the others starving.

Haechan: Hyung, I love you. I just wanna smooch you.

Mark: Ew, Haechan. No need to. I'm fine.

Fast forward.

We all were walking out of a convenience store. We just bought cup ramen and all of us were taking a bite of the noodles. All of us just got to have a bite only. We all were walking back home now.

Renjun: Chenle? Can't we come over at your Mom's house for food?

Chenle: Even I'm not going. How can I take you all with me?

Jaemin: But if your Mom finds out that her son is starving. And his son's friends are also starving. Then she would buy us something to eat, right?

Haechan: Guys, LOOK! Let's go there!

Haechan pointed at something. We all turned our heads and realised that it was a wedding hall. An Indian wedding hall, I assumed watching the people go inside. They all were in Indian attire.

Jisung: Hyung! Do not do anything stupid. We'll get in trouble if we get caught.

Haechan didn't listen to us. He grabbed Renjun and Chenle's hands and started dragging them with him. They did not protest and seemed to go along with him since they both were really hungry. Jaemin went up with them too after adjusting his outfit to look more presentable. Jeno, Jisung and I were the only ones left behind. They both looked at me and I signalled at them to go with them.

I ran up to them and was about to stop them until...

Jeno: Mark hyung, Look. It's the wedding invitation card.

I was about to take a look at it but Haechan snatched it from him and showed it to the guard over there. The guard without even suspecting let us in.

Haechan: Guys, just relax. Just say 'Namaste' and clasp your hands together. We'll be good to go.

Renjun: Fuck, whatever we are supposed to say. Just take me to the food section.

Chenle: Oh my God! They have both Korean and Indian food over here. I'm blessed.

Jaemin: My stomach is growling like that of an animal. Just smell the aroma. I'm definitely digging in Indian food first.

Mark: Guys, we gotta make it quick alright? We do not know the people over here. We'll get in trouble if someone asks us anything.

They didn't really listen to me.

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