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Mark got Meha out of the pool and went to grab towels for her. He came back with them and wrapped one around her and used the other to dry her hair.

Mark, while drying her hair, scolded her.

Mark: What were you thinking, Meha? Do you even know what could have happened if I wasn't there to help you?

Meha: Why did you not let me drown? Why did you save me? Just so you can become a 'hero' in others eyes?

Mark: What the f**k are you talking about? I saved your life and here you are accusing me of something as disgusting as that?

Mark got a little angry. Meha noticed it and apologized which softened Mark a bit.

Mark: Now, tell me Meha what were you doing here?

Meha: I came here to kill myself...

Mark was shocked when he heard her say that. Meha said this with a serious expression on her face.

Mark: You are joking, right?

Meha: No, I'm dead serious. I don't want to live anymore.

Mark: Meha, why would you say that? Are you having some trouble? You can talk to me about it if you want. I'm good at keeping secrets.

Meha: You won't understand, Mark.

Meha said while looking away. Mark held her hand causing her to look towards him.

Mark: You can tell me anything, Meha. Just speak your mind. Don't keep anything bottled up inside.

Meha turned towards Mark and started sobbing.

Meha: I feel like a burden, Mark...

Mark: Why? You are not a burden. Every life is precious. Which obviously includes yours...

Meha: You don't understand, Mark. I am a burden. Do you know why we transferred to this school?

Mark: Umm, because Milli isn't exactly really good at studying.....? That's what she told me at the library.

Meha's eyes started getting filled with tears and her voice started cracking too.

Meha: No, that's not the reason, Mark. We transferred to this school because I was poor at studying. Milli is an excellent student and gets excellent grades, whereas I am a less than average student with less than average grades...

Mark was listening to her quietly. Milli stopped for a moment and then continued.

Milli: I overheard Milli telling you guys the reason why we transferred to this school in the library. She made herself look like the one who's at fault when in reality the one who should be blamed is none other than me... I wrecked my last tests at our previous school. Milli took my test papers and showed it to our brother as her own. She was the one who got scolded. Our brother then transferred us to this school. This happened just because I am poor at studying.

Mark gently squeezed her hand and said.

Mark: Meha? It's not your fault that you had to transfer to this school. You should not think of yourself as someone who is useless or unworthy. You are absolutely none of that. You are AMAZING. I know the education system is really messed up and considers the students with higher grades as superior, but, that doesn't mean that you just take your own life. Just because you get low grades doesn't mean that you won't achieve great things in life. Everyone is good at something. For you, academics might not be your area of expertise but there must be something that you are really good at. Don't let anything or Anyone make you kill yourself.

Mark gave her a reassuring smile. Meha too smiled at him and apologized for making his school uniform wet since he jumped in to save her.

Mark got up and adjusted his clothes before turning towards Meha.

Mark: Go change your clothes in the Girls changing room. You have your gym clothes, right?

Meha: Uhm, No... We haven't gotten those from the school yet...

Mark: You don't? I guess then...you could wear mine.

Meha: But what will you wear?

Mark: I'll.....manage. I'll borrow from the guys. We live together after-

Meha cut her off and immediately held his hand, which took him by surprise.

Meha: Don't tell anyone that I tried to...Please don't. I don't want to let anyone know.

Mark: Yeah, Yeah. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone.

Meha: Thank you so much, Mark.

Mark nodded and went to his locker to get her his gym uniform. She went to the girls changing room to slip into her new clothes. Mark, on the other hand, went to the boys changing room to at least dry himself.

He suddenly felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He turned around to look and it was Dino.

Mark: Oh, Dino!

Dino: Mark, what are you doing here? Why are your clothes so wet? They are literally see-through...

Mark looked down on himself and realised that he was right.

Mark: Oh, I just fell into the pool. That's all. Hey, Can I borrow your gym clothes?

Dino: Yeah, sure...But, don't you have your own? Usually, you are the one lending it to everybody.

Dino said while walking up to his locker room to get the uniform. He handed it over to Mark.

Mark: Yeah, but, I just...can't...seem to...find...mine?

Dino: Dude, I was just asking. Why did you get so nervous all of a sudden?

Mark: I'm not nervous. Just feeling a little cold.

Mark said while rubbing his hands on his arms to make himself feel warmer.

Dino: Okay, I'll go. By the way, did you find Meha? I can't seem to find her.

Mark: Yeah, I saw her outs-

Mark was about to lie to Dino but couldn't do so. Meha entered the boys changing room.

Meha: Hey, Mark, I'll return this-

Meha immediately stopped talking when she realised that Dino was present there as well.

Dino: What are you doing over here? This is the boys changing room.

Meha: Oh, I borrowed something from Mark earlier this day. I just came back to return it.

Meha lied to Dino.

Dino: Fine! Return it then.

Mark and Meha looked at each other cause they were on the verge of getting caught.

Meha put her hand inside her pocket and got out a scarf. She handed it over to him.

Meha: Thanks for the scarf, Mark...

Meha said in a low tone and went outside.

Mark just nodded and continued to stuff the scarf in his pocket.

Dino: Wait! Meha!!

Dino was about to go out looking for her but stopped when he saw the scarf.

Dino: Is it your sister's scarf? Oh wait, you don't have one...

Dino joked about that feminine looking scarf.

Mark: It just looked pretty. That's why I bought it...

Dino: I was just joking. Anyways, see you in the class.

Dino left to go after Meha and Mark just went to the changing room.

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