Chapater one

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" Ramsay you're late again" father spoke while we sat at our table waiting for breakfast to be served. " My apologies father, I slept in later than usual" Ramsay said as he sat down across from me, " You say that every morning, serve the breakfast!". As the servants served us our breakfast and filled our goblets with wine I was startled when I felt something rubbing my leg, it felt like a foot. I looked across the table to Ramsay who was smirking at me, I gave him a scowl and moved my legs away so he could not reach them and began eating with father.

Father wiped his mouth and turned to face me, I was sat up straight with my brown dress tied to my body perfectly. I ate with grace and when I noticed him looking at me I put my cutlery down and dabbed my mouth with my napkin before turning to face him. " Yes father?" Father gave me a slight smile " Your mother would be proud of the woman you have become". I smiled " I miss her" " As do I, but soon enough you will have a family of your own, as soon as your ready".

I looked at father taken back, " I have sent a letter to Lord Stark, asking for a stronger bond between us. We are travelling to Winterfell tomorrow to organise a marriage between our houses". " Your not serious" Ramsay said catching our attention " Very serious" " I thought you said the Starks were filth" " They are in my eyes, but I've been told their eldest son is quite a handsome man, and you my daughter are gorgeous, even at the age of six and ten. I believe you two together would make so many children together".

" Has she even bled yet?" Ramsay asked and my father gave him an angry look " That is none of your concern Ramsay, this is Rana's marriage to Robb not yours!". Father turned back to me " Will you consider this marriage Rana?" I looked at my father for a few moments then at Ramsay, ' If I marry Robb I'll never have to deal with Ramsay again' " I will accept this marriage if Robb does too father" " That's my girl, now go to your chambers and start packing it's a few days ride and we'll be staying for a week" " Ramsay is coming?" I asked. " Of course he's not, he's nothing but my bastard, what would that say to Lord Stark if I brought my bastard with me" " Father, Lord Stark has a bastard son too, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind" " Fine he can come but if he does anything out of line, he'll be severely punished".

I was talking to my handmaiden while we picked out different dresses for the stay ahead. " Oh my lady" she said catching my attention, I turned to see her pointing at the blood stain on my bed sheet, " Yes, my body can't seem to hold it in well at night" " So it is true" I jumped when I heard Ramsay's voice behind me. " Can you give us a minute" I asked my handmaiden before she bowed and left, I closed my door and turned to Ramsay to see him looking at the blood stain. " Ramsay what are you doing?" " I'm in disbelief, I though you were still so pure" " I am pure". Ramsay pinned me to my door " Not for long" I looked at him disgusted " I am your little sister" " No your not, you've heard father. I'm just a bastard, you on the other hand are his priced possession. You are his beloved beautiful daughter to which he would do anything to, now imagine how surprised he'll be when he finds out I've took your virginity" I pulled my hand free and smacked Ramsay across the face as hard as I could " You disgusting bastard!". Ramsay turned his head back to me with a slight shade of anger on his face " You can call me that all you want, but you will be mine, sooner or later you'll be my bride" Ramsay said before leaving.

I sat on the ground and put my hand on my chest as tears started falling from my face. My handmaiden ran into my room when Ramsay left and sat in front of me. " My lady are you alright?" " I'm fine, you know how Ramsay can be" I smiled at her " We must keep packing" I said as I tried to stand up but she wouldn't let me " My lady, the things he said to you were vile, rest I will finishing packing for you" Thank you Maria".

I stared at her blood on her bed as she dismissed her handmaiden, she truly does bleed, she's finally ready for me to have my way with her. Her figure shows through her dresses, I know for a fact she has a big tight ass and a nice set of tits on her, she must have got that from her mother. I looked at her while she closed the door, she's not my sister, or family to me at all, she's just some broad who lives here, she's nothing to me more than another girl I want to fuck, so let the race begin.

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