Chaoter Fourteen

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" Your pregnant?" Robb asked in disbelief before a smile broke out on his face. My father smiled at me while Ramsay glared " Again sister? Your child is only a few months old" " That's what happens when your happily married Snow!" I snapped at him before turning to Robb " Please Robb, I want you here for the birth of our child" " I may not be here for the birth my love, but I will return one day and meet them. I'm sorry Rana, but I must defend my families honour. I don't know how long this war will last but I will return to you". That night we had a small feast for the many brave men who will be leaving for the war. After a while I took Robbs hand and brought him to our room. " Rana-" " Don't speak, just make love to me" I interrupted before pressing my lips against his. For a few hours that's all we did, I sat on his lap and rested my head against his, as he held my hips tight and shoved himself into me as his head rested on my breasts. I couldn't help the silent tears that fell from my eyes and held him against me not wanting to let him go.

I couldn't help but cry as he kissed me goodbye the next morning, I held Edward on my hip as he kissed his son on the head " I will return to you, I promise on my life. I will remain faithful to you my queen" Robb kissed me one last time before leaving on his horse. I couldn't help the sob that left my mouth as I watched him leave, not knowing when or if he ever will return to me. I tried my hardest to get back to normal but it was hard, I was in charge of Winterfell alone as Theon left to convince his father to join the Starks. After a while I was used to running Winterfell, I had Ricken and Bran back to attending classes while Edward stayed with his nurses as they slowly tried to teach him how to speak and walk.

" My Lady" a knight bowed as he entered the room, " Theon has returned" " Bring him". Theon burst into the room with many soldiers from his father, I stood up feeling threatened as I quickly grabbed a soldiers hand " Tom I trust you with my life, take the children, protect them" " Where shall I bring them my lady?" " The wall, bring them to Jon" " My lady I can't leave you here, who knows what he'll do" " I can handle Theon just protect my child and brothers" he bowed to me before leaving the room. I turned my attention back to Theon as he smiled and bowed to me " My lady, still no Robb?" He smirked. I slapped him as hard as I could " You are pathetic!" Theon growled at me " You betray your best friend to get your fathers blessing, even though the Starks raised you! They took you in after your father abandoned you and this is how you repay them?".

Theon glared at me " You are nothing Theon, you'll never be a lord no matter what lies your father told you!" " Enough!" Theon shouted as he hit me. I groaned as my head swung to the side " I'm taking over this castle, you are now my prisoner. All the Stark children, including yours will be sent to the dungeons" I laughed at him " You'd place a baby, a toddler and a crippled boy in the dungeons? You really are pathetic" I winced as he hit again. " Take her away and find the children" " Yes sir" the soldiers grabbed me and brought me to the dungeons, I let out a small cry as I wished Robb was  here. A few hours later the cell door opened and I turned to see an angry Theon " Where are they?" " Who?" " Don't play dumb with me! Where are the children?" " Gone, I knew you'd do this Theon, your predictable" he glared at me in anger " What? You going to hit me again Theon? Only a coward hits a woman".

" In that case I'll treat you like a man" I looked at him confused as he suddenly stepped into my cell with me. " What are you doing?" " Treating you like a man", Theon grabbed my dress and ripped it, exposing my undergarment "
You wouldn't, I'm your best friends wife" " I don't have any friends". Theon pinned me against the cold wall with his body, my face scratched as it hit the wall" You will not enjoy this Rana, and it won't be over quickly" I let out a cry as I felt him shove his cock inside me. I tried to push him away but he just shoved me back harder. I did not cry or make a sound during the assault, I didn't want to give him any satisfaction. I felt numb as he pleasured himself with my body, taking me as if it's something he's wanted to do for years.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip as I felt him cum inside me. " Jesus Robb was a lucky guy, you are amazing, we should do this more often" he said in my ear before kissing my neck. He pulled himself out of me and fixed his pants, I wrapped my arms around my chest, trying to cover my exposed breasts. " What, has the new Lady Stark got nothing to say?" He teased " No, Sir Greyjoy I don't". He left the cell and locked it behind him before shouting " Get the lady some new clothes". I was left in that cell for weeks, yes I was fed and watered but I was a cell in my home. Not knowing if my child was alive, if my husband was alive. Being assaulted by Theon daily, it was all slowly becoming too much for us.

I held onto the wall in silence as Theon once again had his cock shoved inside me, he held my hair right as he spoke dirty to me. " You like having a man's cock inside you? Mhh" he asked but I said nothing " I asked you a question" " Your not a man" I spoke. I cried as he shoved me into the wall hard, " Then I'll be a man, just for you" he whispered in my ear before he went rougher, I couldn't help but let out a cry. I've never had anyone hurt me like that. " Lord Theon" a man said coming into the cells " A letter has arrived for you, from Lord Bolton" " Read it to me, I'm busy" he groaned. " Theon Greyjoy, you have disgraced the north with your behaviour. You have betrayed the Starks, you have taken over Winterfell, you have run away from the war and you hold my daughter captive. If you do not release her I will be forced to slaughter you. You have till tomorrow".

Theon laughed " Our armies can handle the Boltons. Send word to the men, we have a battle to win tomorrow" he grinned. " Now if you excuse me" Theon said as he gestured to me, the soldier left " Alone at last" he laughed before he continued what he was doing. I sat in the dungeon nervous, I sat on the floor of my cold cell. Arms wrapped around myself as my torn dress did very little to keep me warm as Theon got a great kick of ripping my dress off of my body. I stayed in silence for a while before jumping at the sound of the door opening. I looked up to see my father and Ramsay standing in the doorway " Father!" I cried as I wrapped my arms around him " Rana! Thank the gods your alright" he held me tight " Your freezing, how long have you been down here?" " Six months father".

I was run a hot bath and I couldn't help but relax into it, I was seven months pregnant, and barely bathed in the six months I was in that cell. After I was dressed we met in the dinning hall for dinner " My dear, you just be starving, eat as much as you'd like" I thanked my father before eating as much as I could. I got ate bread and leftover groul the last few months and my baby needed to eat. After dinner we sat in the library next to the big fireplace with wine, " Where is Edward?" Father asked " I don't know, hopefully at the wall" " The wall?" " When Theon took over Winterfell, I sent Tom with the children to the wall. I wanted Jon to protect them" " And? Are they there?" " I don't know father, but I hope he's safe".

" Have you heard from Robb?" I asked " Is he alive?" My father sighed as he put his cup down. " I didn't want to be the one to tell you this" " Is he dead?" " No he's alive my dear" " Then what's wrong?" " Theon told Robb you and your children were dead...he's been remarried". I dropped my glass and watched as it smashed all over the floor " He married another woman?" " That's not all I'm afraid" I stared at my father as I waited for him to finish " The girl is six months pregnant". I held my hand over my chest as tears poured from my eyes " So I'm alone? I have his child inside me!" " I know this is difficult Rana, but please I'm here for you. I won't let him get away with this. He's a disgrace".

" What are you going to do with Theon?" I asked changing the subject " He is to be trailed for his crimes" " What are his charges?" " Treason, kidnap and murder" " He needs one more" " More what?" My father asked confused " He raped me father". Ramsey's eyes snapped " What?" " He raped me, in that cell for six months" I cried. " He took pleasure in it, every single day father" " He will be dealt with my dear, for now rest".

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