Chapter Twelve

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After another day or two my father and sadly my brother had finally made it to Winterfell, it was really cold out today so I decided to stay in my room with Edward. I smiled as I heard the gates open, I looked out the window to see my father getting off of his horse. I made my way downstairs and smiled as I saw my father in the hall, " Father!" I smiled as he pulled me into a hug " Rana my daughter, look at you. You've grown so much since I last saw you" his eyes caught sight of Edward and he smiled " Is this my grandson?" I smiled as I placed Edward in his arms " This is Edward" he smiled at me " A strong name, sorry it took me so long to get here Rana, there were a few problems back home" " All that matters is your here, I feel safer already".

Fathers eyes looked at me " Safer? Why? Has that wolf being mistreating you?" " No! No not at all, we had an incident". Robb sighed as he stood beside me " A man broke into the castle a few days ago, he attacked Rana and my mother while I was trying to put out a fire" " Where is this man now?" Father asked " Dead, my brothers dire wolf ripped his throat out" " And why did he attack my daughter?". " He was hired to kill Bran, for what we don't know. But my mother and Rana were in the room while he tried to do it".

" Well seems like Winterfell isn't as safe as we thought it was" I froze when I saw Ramsay standing in the hallway with his usual grin on his face. " Brother, seems you've grown" " As have you sister. And is this my darling little nephew?" He asked as he walked to fathers side " It is, Edward Stark first born with the blood of Stark and Bolton. The first of many I hope" " I have said the same thing Lord Bolton" Robb smirked " And I told you, you can give him a sibling if you are the one to push it from your body. Labour is horrible, I don't want to go through it again".

" I know it's exhausting Rana, I remember how tired your mother was. She was crying as her body was getting too tired to push any more. But I told her, five more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness". I smiled at father and sighed " I wish she was with us" " So do I love, but she gave her life for yours. And she would be so proud of the woman you have become, and I know she'll be even prouder when you decide to do this again".

We sat at the grand table for dinner, Lady Stark sat miserably in a chair whilst Robb and I sat in the Lord and Lady chairs. I had Edward sat in one of his cribs as he kicked and moved around. Father sat beside me, Ramsay beside him and Rickon beside Lady Stark. " Are the boys not joining us?" Father asked " Lord Stark has been taken on as hand of the King, Arya and Sansa have gone with him to the Capital. Jon had joined the wall and Bran unfortunately has not woken up yet" I informed him as he nodded. " I wish him a fast recovery" Father smiled at Lady Stark who nodded her head.

Ramsay kept giving me weird looks throughout dinner, but thankfully it was time to put Edward to bed. " I'll be back once I put Edward to sleep father, he'll be left with my hand maiden before I turn in". I made my way up the stairs and into my chambers, I sat in my rocking chair as I undid my gown and fed Edward at my breast. I rubbed his little fingers as I stared into his deep blue eyes he had gotten from his father. I couldn't help but smile at him as he fed, he was the perfect image of a baby Robb. " Motherhood is beautiful" I jumped as I saw Ramsay standing in my doorway.

" Ramsay! What are you doing here? I'm trying to feed my son" " You see that's why I'm here". I stared at him confused but thankfully my handmaiden walked into my room " I have his bath and bottle ready for him my lady" " Good, keep him in your chambers till I come for him. Only Robb or myself will be collecting him from now on, do not give him to anybody else". She nodded before taking Edward and bringing him to her chambers, locking the door behind her. Ramsay walked into my room and shut the door, I quickly fixed my dress as he walked over to me.

He grabbed both sides of my chair and stuck his face in mine, I took a breath as I leaned back, staring at him in fright. " Your afraid of me sister?" " What do you want Ramsay?" " You keep asking me that, and it's the same answer every time dear Rana. I simply want you". I looked at him in disgust " I know you clarify us as brother and sister" " You disgust me Ramsay. You really think I would ever lay with somebody like you? You disgusting bastard!" I gasped as Ramsay slapped my cheek " Now why would you go and say something like that?! We are meant to be together Rana" " Id rather kill my self" " Then I guess we'll wait and see what happens first" he laughed.

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