Chapter Seven

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Robb and I were cheered at as we walked into the dinning hall of Winterfell. I smiled as I looked around at my new family, I sat at the head of the table with Robb as the feast began. I talked to almost every single person in the hall, drinking wine and smiling as it felt like a perfect night. While discussing something with my father I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Robb " May I have this dance?" " You may" I smiled as I took his hand. Robb walked into the centre of the room right as a new song began to play.

He placed his hand on my waist as I placed mine on his shoulder, as the song played Robb moved us gracefully through the hall. " Your an excellent dancer my lord" " I practiced just for you, my lady" he smiled before putting both hands on my waist, picking me up and moving in a circle before placing me back down again. We talked, joked and laughed the whole way through the song and I couldn't help but stare into his strong blue eyes. Everyone around us clapped and cheered to us as we finished our dance and bowed to one another.

I sat there and watched as she married him, as his lips pressed against hers. I watched as she walked through out the room talking to her guests. Now I'm watching her dance with that Buffon of a lord, " Wonderful together, aren't they?" The Stark's bastard said " They may look good together but marriage is a tricky thing. They could be horrible in a week or two" I answered " I have never seen Robb this happy with a woman before" " He's had woman before?" I asked.

" Well yes, he's had one or two bed warmers before but he stays clear of things like that. He is keen on having a marriage built on love, and looking at them right now. Seems like he found it" Jon smiled at his brother. " Lord nor Lady's marry for love, there is no such thing" I spat " If there was, bastards such as us wouldn't be breathing. No marriage is all a scam, makes you see a happy couple then you'll believe it".

" Your a very grumpy man for being at a wedding" " My sisters wedding" I spoke with venom. The bastard turned and looked at me " Do you have something against your sister? You don't speak very highly of her" " Of course I have nothing against her, but she is still a child and has the fantasy of love and marrying her Prince Charming" I took a gulp of my pint " I on the other hand try to keep her grounded", " How so?" " I tell her how it is. That men in this world want one thing and one thing only".

My eyes snapped to Rana " They only want her body. To touch it, to play with it, to stick their hard cocks in and fuck her raw" I said smiling as I took a drink. " That's awful, you shouldn't tell a young girl that, that would terrify her for life" " She's fine, just look at her. Another few hours and she'll be getting it anyway" " Disgusting prick" the bastard said before standing up and walking away.

I saw Jon leave Ramsay's table and I knew by the look on his face he said something. I quickly followed Jon to a hallway " Jon, are you alright?" I asked making him stop " Of course I am my lady" " I saw the look you gave Ramsay, did he say something rude again?" " No he said something completely disgusting that should not have even crossed his mind". I quickly took his hand and walked outside into the snow. " What did he say to you Jon?" " Just, he spoke of things no brother should ever say about his sister" Jon looked around angry as I let out a sigh " Believe it or not, he's said worse" I said capturing his attention.

" He once told me that if nobody marries a hag like myself, that he'd gladly fuck me bloody raw if I really needed it" " How can someone say such things to their sibling" " That's the thing Jon, I'm a lady born from a pureblood Lord of one house and a pureblood Lady from another. Ramsay is a bastard he's made it very clear that I am not his sister. That in his eyes I'm just another woman who could please him and keep his bed warm". Jon suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, I smiled slightly before wrapping my asks around him too.

" So this is where you've run off to" Fathers voice said " Yes father, was a little too stuffy inside, I needed some air". " And you?" My father asked looking at Jon " Apologies my lord, I did not want the young lady to stand out in the cold alone". " Thank you boy" father nodded to me then Jon before turning around and walking back inside, " Your father does nothing?" " He doesn't know, I think he fears Ramsay will grow up to be a cruel man" . " I vow to keep you safe as long as I am here my lady, I shall not let that  thing lay his hands on you" " Thank you Jon, you are very sweet".

We headed back inside and enjoyed the rest of the night until I heard the one thing I was nervous about. Theon Greyjoy stood up on a bench and called for everyone's attention, we all turned and looked at him " I would like to congratulate my best friend for tying the knot to this beautiful young woman, who I know will make him happy till the end of his days. To Robb and Rana Stark!" He called making the hall cheer the same thing. " Now for the bedding ceremony!" I gulped as everyone's heard turned to me " Let's get rid of that pretty dress" a man yelled, a few men walked towards me and I tensed up then I felt a hand on my shoulder " Any of you touch her and it will be the last thing your hand ever feels again" Jon threatened them.

A man laughed causing Ramsay to stand up " Any one of you fuckers touch my sister and I'll cut your skin off and make you eat it" Ramsay growled making everyone back away. What the hell is wrong with him

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