Chapter Eleven

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After a day or two I was finally allowed to walk around the castle, I dressed in the most casual, comfy dress I had and held Edward close to me as Robb helped me down the stairs and into the dining room. As we entered everyone turned to look at us, all having smiles on their faces, though I could see who's were fake. I slowly walked over to the table to show him off " Your majesties" I bowed my head and turned to my family " I'd like to introduce Edward to you" the King out stretched his arms and carefully placed him in his chubby arms " Ah he's a Stark alright, I can already see it, he's going to be a fine ruler one day" the queen slightly touched his cheek " I'll never get over that smell" she smiled at me.

Jamie looked down at him and smiled at me " I'm sure he will be a fine warrior one day my lady". I gave Edward to Sansa who couldn't stop smiling " He's so perfect, I can't wait till I can have one" she smiled " Ha yes you can, I don't even want to go through it again". Arya smiled at him " Can I teach him how to shoot when he's bigger?" " Of course you can" " He's cute" Bran smiled at me. The Queens youngest children smiled and congratulated me while Joffery scoffed " It's just a baby" " That my boy is more than just a baby! It's the first of the new generation of Stark's, he'll be one of your loyal subjects and a fierce friend. Not to mention your newphew once you wed Lady Sansa" the King scolded his son.

I was given a special chair to sit on while I was recovering, I gave Edward to Robb as I started eating. Once I had finished Edward started to cry, " He's hungry again my dear" Robb said and I couldn't help but get emotional with the amount of hormones in my body " I don't want to walk up all those stairs again Robb" " Maybe we could make a room down here for him to eat". One of the servants came in " My lady you can feed Lord Edward in the kitchens if you'd like? That way you don't have to walk upstairs and you won't have to expose yourself here" " Yes that would be great thank you" I said as I took Edward into the kitchens. I was sat on a chair they had in a corner and loosened my dress top, " You dirty boys! That's your lady you do not look at her breast while she tries to feed her child" a servant said as she slapped two teenage boys who were trying to stare at my chest.

After Edward was full I walked back into the dinning room and gave Edward to Lady Stark as I sat back down to eat some more. Joffery let out a small snigger which caught everyone's attention, " What are you laughing at boy?" King Robert snapped " She has spilled something on her dress" I looked down to see two big wet stains on my breasts. I quickly covered myself with my hands as Joffery laughed, earning himself a smack in the back of the head from Jamie " Do not laugh at a lady in destress, especially when she has nothing to be ashamed of. She has spilled nothing on her dress, her breasts are leaking milk that she uses to feed her son".

After a few more days the royal family were finally leaving tomorrow. I was walking around with Lady Stark when I stopped. I let out a horrible scream as I ran to where Bran's puppy was, Lady Stark followed only to let out the same bloody scream. Bran was lying in the ground unconscious, two guards carried him to the maesters before putting him in bed. " If he survives the next two months he will live, but he will never walk again" I held Lady Stark as she cried. Ned gave me a big warm hug goodbye " I don't know why but I feel terrible leaving you of all people love" he said as he stroked my cheek " I'll be strong Ned, you know I will be" " Be careful love, I'd hate to lose my new daughter" he smiled st me before leaving. Sansa was only upset about leaving because neither I nor Edward were coming with her, and Arya was upset because she wanted to stay here and train to be a knight, not go to the capital and be a lady.

With everyone gone and Lady Stark being at Bran's bedside, Robb and I were left to rule. I kept Edward in a crib by my throne as Robb sat beside me " My Lord, my Lady" a man bowed before us " Our crops aren't growing fast enough to feed the North, our fertiliser is old and there are not enough men to help". " Take three horses from the stable for the fertiliser, and a new rule is to be in place until the food is up to speed again. Every man from the age of thirteen up is to help with the farming, as long as they are treated and payed well" Robb ordered. After hours of sorting out the taxes and the problems of our people I was happy to be going to bed. I changed into my silk nightgown and left my long brown hair down.

I tied a silk robe around myself and left Edward with my hand maiden before going to check on Lady Stark and Bran. " Lady Stark?" I called as I entered the room, closing the door behind me, " Rana please call me by my name, your my daughter after all". I sat beside her " How are you feeling?" " Worried, he hasn't moved yet, or opened his eyes" " He should be waking up any day now, the maester said he's survived the two months, so it's only a matter of time before he opens his brown eyes again". " Mother? Rana?" Robb called as he stepped inside " Yes Robb, I was just checking in on your mother and brother" " I was speaking with the maester just now, he said Bran should be awake within a few days, once his mind and body are over the shock".

We suddenly heard screaming, I threw the window open to see the empty tower on fire. " Stay here, I'll help them put out the fire" Robb said as he ran out. " Catlyin do you think you can leave Bran's side for a few minutes?" " No I have to stay here with him" " Nobody's meant to be here" I jumped around to see a common looking man staring at us " No evidence, no witnesses was what I was told". The man swung his knife at us, I pushed Lady Stark out of the way earning myself a cut on my arm. The man went for Bran " No!" Lady Stark screamed as she pulled the man back, he swung his knife at her but she ducked. Only to have her grab the knife with both her hands so it didn't cut her neck. I picked up a silver tray and slammed it over the man's head, he let go of Lady Stark and stumbled back.

I rushed to her and grabbed her hands, she screamed as the man got to Bran but soon he was dead. Bran's dire-wolf had grown a lot, it jumped at the man. Getting him by the throat, ripping it apart before lying beside Bran keeping him safe. The maester came, he stitched Lady Stark's hands and wrapped them up beside doing the same with my arm. I held Edward close to me after that as I was afraid someone would be sent to kill him. " Mother?"  Robb called as Cat was back by his bed, " Your house needs you" " Bran needs me" " Bran is asleep! What about Ricken! Your youngest child". " You know Rana and myself have been raising two children while trying to run the North! While you ignore your responsibilities and throw them at us so you can sit by your sleeping child!! Not to mention my wife could have died trying to protect you!". " Robb-" he cut me off " I was protecting Bran-" " You were protecting yourself! The wolf is here for a reason. My family could have lost its mother because you care more about Bran than you do the rest of us!!" Robb screamed at Cat, making her cry " Get your act together!".

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