Chapter Fifteen

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Father was in control of Winterfell while I recovered, though we all lived at home fathers soldiers protected Winterfell for us. " Rana you need to get dressed" father announced as he walked into my room, " What for father?" " Lord Freys daughter is getting married tomorrow we must leave at once" I nodded and dressed before we arrived at Lord Freys castle " Lord Bolton a pleasure" he smiled at father " And lady Bolton, my how motherhood suits you" " Thank you Lord Frey". " Don't let me keep you, your rooms are on the third floor to the right, my servant will show you so you can rest before dinner". I settled in my room before changing into a brown dress for dinner, I rubbed my stomach gently as I followed a servant to the dinning hall.

I smiled as I sat next to father, my back to the door, " Are we waiting on anyone else?" I asked " Yes, a Lord and his wife he should be here any moment". As if on cue the door to the dinning hall opened " Ah Lord and Lady Stark" my eyes went wide as I swung my head around, there he was alive and breathing. I turned back around before he could see my face, then I noticed the only seats available were directly in front of me. I watched as he pulled her chair out for her to sit, her stomach was swollen just like mine, I kept my head down low as he I heard my father greet him. " You'll be pleased to know Lord Stark, I have recovered Winterfell for you" " Excellent, and the traitor?" " Is being dealt with my Lord" he smirked " You'd also be interested to know that I found your wife" Robbs eyes snapped to my father " You found her body?" " I'm not dead" I finally spoke up as I stared at Robb.

Robb jumped up as he stared at me, as if he'd seen a ghost. " Rana?!" " Robb, who is she?" The girl asked " I'm his wife!" I snapped at her " But-" " I was his first wife, his legal wife. The woman who gave him a son" " Edward! Is he alive?" " I don't know, and it's your fault I don't!". I stood up staring at him with rage, his eyes lowered and I followed them to my stomach " How-" " I'm eight months" I interrupted him " It didn't take you long to re-marry Robb" " I thought you were dead!" " Then mourn! Don't stick your cock in another woman!". The room fell silent " Excuse me Lord Frey" I said before storming out of the room. I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door, it suddenly opened again and I stood still staring at Robb.

" I can't believe your alive" " I don't want to speak to you" " Rana please let me explain" " Explain what?! You heard I was dead and had sex with another woman! You got her pregnant and married her!". " I didn't want to ruin her reputation" " Oh but you'd ruin mine! Rana Stark the woman who's husband was unfaithful to her!". " You said it yourself your a Stark" " I am not a Stark! That changed when you married another woman!". I turned to the window, my back facing Robb as I tried my best not to shed any tears. I jumped when I felt his hands on my stomach " How is our child?" He asked gently " Fine considering what they've went through" " Where were you Rana?". " I was locked in the dungeons" " Did Theon hurt you?" " What?" I looked at Robb confused " You have bruises on your wrists and the back of your neck".

" It's none of your business" " Rana please you are the mother of my children, if something happened to you I want to know". " I was imprisoned Robb, I was locked in that cell for six months while-" I cut myself short " While what? Tell me Rana please?" Robb begged as he gently grabbed my face, his eyes melting me all over again " He raped me Robb" I felt his hand tense on my cheek " Everyday for six months he tortured me" " I'm so sorry I wasn't there" " I told you not to go!" " I know Rana please forgive me". Robb whispered as he slowly leaned in, I stepped back in protest but he just followed me. My back pressed against the wall as Robb pressed his lips against mine, the wall and his body stopping me from moving.

" Robb stop" I cried as I turned my head, " Rana I missed you" he spoke lustfully as his hands roamed my body Robb let me go" " Let me be your husband again, let me fuck you". I screamed in fright as his hands tried to untie my dress, " Let go of my sister!" Ramsay had a sword pointed at Robb " Let her go or I'll take great pleasure in taking off your head". I ran to Ramsay and cried into his neck as he held me tight to his body " It's alright Rana, I'm here to protect you". Ramsay's eyes snapped to Robb " Touch her again and it will be the last thing you ever do" he warned before leaving the room. That night I stayed in Ramsay's bed while he took the floor, I tossed and turned all night. Robb tried to assault me. Tears ran down my face as I sat in my chair getting my hair brushed.

" My lady are you alright?" My hand maiden asked me " Yes, difficulty sleeping with the little one" I smiled as I wiped my eyes. " It must be hard, seeing him again" " I would be over joyed if it wasn't for the circumstances" " Any woman would feel the same in your position my lady. His father is rolling in his grave". My eyes went wide " What did you say?" I turned my head " His father, my lady. He was beheaded by King Joffery months ago". I held my hand to my mouth in shock as tears rushed to my eyes. I quickly ran out the door, bursting into Robbs bedroom to see his wife and mother speaking with him. " By the gods Rana your alive!" Cat cried as she stared at me " Your still with child thank the gods" " Ned is dead?!" I shouted causing the room to fall silent.

" Unfortunately so" I let out a cry as I grabbed the wall for support. Robb grabbed me but I pushed him away " Don't you lay your filthy hands on me! You betrayed me!" " Rana you need to understand" " Understand what?! You slept with another woman, you got her pregnant, you ruined my life and my reputation!". Robb grabbed me and forced me to look at him, " Look at me!" He shouted " I was told you and Edward were dead. I was told Theon murdered you, Edward, our unborn child and my brothers. Then the next day I get told my father was beheaded for treason to the King. That Sansa is now imprisoned in Kings Landing and that Arya is missing! I'm sorry that I failed you but I needed you that night and I thought you were dead!".

Robb let out tears of his own as he stared at me " I needed company Rana, everyone I loved was dead or missing. I was so scared and angry I didn't know what to do. Please Rana it was a mistake". " I'm your wife" the woman stood up " Not anymore, Rana is my one true love" " Robb, your marriage to Rana is over. Legally you stopped it, she is no longer your wife". I pulled myself out of his arms " I'll see you at the ceremony". I sat beside my father as we watched the beautiful wedding take place, I caught Robbs eyes on me a few times but it was nothing I couldn't ignore. At the dinner Lord Frey announced us as we sat down, then announced Robb and his family.

" Lord Stark, thanks to our co-operation in this war we shall win! We shall rebuild our once great kingdom and take the filthy bastards off the throne!". Robb stood up with his drink and smiled " If you weren't so kind as to let us cross your bridge my lord. I fear the Lannister's would have won this war sooner". " If it wasn't for the King in the North we wouldn't have this great piece of history for the books. Lord Bolton, you wanted to speak". I watched as Father stood up " Lord Stark you are helping the North in ways you could not understand. Though you have my full support through this war, you unfortunately do not have my support as a man". " You have betrayed your vows, you have betrayed my grandchildren, but more important. You betrayed my daughter who was nothing but loyal and faithful to you and to your house. Even after sending her child away and suffering through months of pain and torture for you. You made the biggest mistake. And for that I can never forgive you". Father looked Robb in the eyes " To King Jeoffery!" My eyes opened wide in confusion, I turned to Robb and jumped as an arrow shot him in the chest. I let out a bloody scream as I stared at him, the man I love. Being killed by my own father.

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