Chapter Six

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The night before my wedding was important, I had to learn my duty and welcome every guest to Winterfell and tell them where the pre-wedding feast was being held. That meant dealing with a lot of obnoxious northern men telling me I'd be better suited to their sons and all that drunk talk. " Lord Frey, lovely to see you again" Lady Stark spoke capturing my attention " Yes yes it has been some years, tell me why I was invited to this wedding?" He asked not really interested in the whole ordeal. " Lord Frey it is good to finally meet you" I said which made his eyes snap to me " And you are?" " Rana Bolton, my mother was your sister" " My sister? That can't be, all my sisters were wenches, but your a beautiful young lady".

" Thank you Lord Frey, but my mother was your youngest sister" " Ah yes, she married that Lord Bolton" " That would be right, great to see you again Frey" my father said as he came into the hall. " If you did things by tradition Bolton, you'd have your daughter marry one of my sons" " Our houses already have a strong bond, I wanted to strengthen mine with House Stark" " Ah that could be your downfall". Lord Frey walked away " Don't worry he's always been such an impulsive man" Father said as we walked into the feast. Once we had eaten Lord Stark stood up " Now I know lost of you Northerns, I have known you since I was a lad. And it brings me great pleasure to see all your drunken faces for my son's wedding. To the North!" " To the North!" Everyone cheered. " Now off to bed with you all, I won't have you drunk or hungover at the wedding, that's the business for tomorrow night".

Robb walked me to my chambers, " It doesn't seem real" I spoke catching Robb's attention " What doesn't my lady?" " That tomorrow we shall be wed". " You think we're going to fast?" " No, no not at all" I smiled " I just never thought a day would come, where I would actually be married" " Well then tomorrow I shall make it extra special for you my lady". Robb kissed my hands " Goodnight, my lady" " Goodnight my Lord" I smiled at Robb before closing my chamber doors to him. My handmaiden got me ready for bed then left so she could get the sleep she needed to help prepare me for tomorrow.

I woke up, my head turned towards the window. I smiled at the early morning sun as I couldn't help the bubble of excitement that grew in my stomach. " Someone seems to be having a happy morning" I jumped and turned to see Ramsay sitting in a chair in the corner of my room. " Ramsay! What are you doing in my chambers?" " I wanted to see my beloved sister" " You should not be in here" I said standing up and confronting him. Ramsay stood up as I did with an evil smirk plastered on his face, " Is it illegal to see my sister?" " Of course not, but sneaking into my chambers and watching me sleep" " Oh do not worry my dear little sister, I didn't come here to take you. No no I too am a man of tradition, if that's what you wish. I will not bed you myself till our wedding night".

I felt something inside me snap, I swung my arm catching Ramsay and making him turn to the side. He looked back at me shocked with a red mark on his cheek " I am not your whore Ramsay! I am not some scared little lady who is being forced to marry you. I chose to marry Robb so I could get away from you and your disgusting fantasy of me being your wife! I would rather take a knife to my own throat before I take you as my husband". Ramsay looked at me for a few moments before grinning " Is that a threat?" " Say anything disgusting thing to me again and I'll tell father to tried to rape me" " Excuse me?" " When we were younger, you think I'd forget something that traumatic?".

" How did-" " You came into my chambers and forced yourself on me, but you stopped because I pushed you onto the floor. You took a knife to my neck and said if I told anyone you would kill me". " Oh you are a clever girl. I love when they make it interesting". I swung my hand again, smacking Ramsay a second time " Get out, I need to prepare for my wedding day, so I can have someone I actually want fucking me, and not your bastard little cock" I spat, which clearly made him angry. He stormed out of my chambers without another word, I let out a long breath before stepping into a bath my hand must have left for me not too long ago.

After an hour or two I was finally ready for my wedding, I had my long white wedding dress on, it was figure flattering as it held onto my body nice, it had long white sleeves but stopped just before my shoulders, exposing my shoulders, collar bones and the top of my back. I had my long dark hair braided into all around my crown, leaving only the slightest bit down. My father entered my chambers with Lord and Lady Stark, all three had huge smiles on their faces. " You look absolutely beautiful" father smiled at me " I think she might be the most beautiful bride Winterfell has ever seen" Lady Stark smiled at me, " Ay, after you of course" Ned smiled at his wife. " Everything is ready, shall we?" My father asked as he placed the Bolton cloak over my shoulders.

I took my fathers arm as we started our walk into the godswood. Ned and Cat walked to the top where Robb was waiting. I took a deep breath as my father patted my hand " Your mother would be so proud to see you in this moment" " I hope so father" I smiled. We walked through the rows of people who came all this way for my wedding, each one of them smiling and whispering as I looked up to Robb who stood at the beloved tree. Father stopped a few feet away, Ned stark stood forward " I am Ned Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, who comes here this day?" " Rana of House Bolton has come here this day to be wed, who claims her?" " Robb of House Stark, future Lord and Warden of the North, who gives her?" " Roose Bolton, I give you her hand in marriage this day".

I stepped up beside Robb and turned so he could remove my house cloak, " On this day I promise myself to Rana Bolton, I promise to protect her, love her and provide her with children under the house of Stark, do you take?" Robb asked as he placed his cloak around my shoulders " I take you Robb Stark". Robb smiled as he pulled me forward and kissed me " Under the eyes of old gods and of the Northerns present, you are the future Lord an Lady of house Stark" Ned finished as everyone cheered.

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