Chapter three

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After a two days ride I could finally see the gates to Winterfell, we had stopped two miles away so I could wash and change into a beautiful dark blue dress and to put my hair into a traditional northern braid. Trumpets sounded to notify that we were here and the gates opened. Father and his men went in first then it was my carriage then four more of my fathers men.

I could see from my window that they were lined up waiting for us. My father got off his horse and walked towards Lord Stark " Lord Stark it's been too long" " Yes it has Lord Bolton, Welcome to Winterfell. These are my children, Robb my eldest, my eldest daughter Sansa, my youngest daughter Arya, Bran and my youngest son Ricken". " It's a pleasure to meet you all, if you don't mind me asking Lord Stark, which one is your bastard?" " None of them, Jon is right here" Lord Stark stepped out of the way and there stood Jon. He had thick black hair and a dark beard, he truly is from the North.

Father signalled his men to open my carriage door, they did as they were told and opened the door. The solider put his hand out and I took it as he helped me out. I turned to father and walked over to him, " Lord and Lady Stark, this is my daughter Rana" I bowed to them " My Lord, my Lady" " Welcome to Winterfell Rana" " It's a pleasure to be here, my Lord. I've heard the godswood in Wintefell is a beautiful sight" " Aye it is, maybe my son will show you" " Hopefully" I smiled. " Lady Rana, this is my son Robb" " It's a pleasure to meet you my Lord" " The pleasure is all mine" Robb smiled at me.

Before another word could be spoken a black horse galloped into the court yard and stopped right behind father. I turned to see Ramsay jumping off his horse and standing beside me, " Sorry I'm late, I hope I didn't miss much". " Lord Stark, this is my bastard, Ramsay Snow, my apologies for his behaviour". " It's alright, why don't we talk in my study while my servants help yours bring your things to your room, Ramsay you are free to walk through Winterfell, as are you Lady Rana. Robb show Lady Rana around, we'll be down for dinner". And just like that everyone spread off to do different things, Lady Stark took the girls and the boys off to their lessons while Ramsay stayed beside me.

" Ramsay, this is Robb he will be Lord Stark one day" " Pleasure" Ramsay said with a hint of disgust and a murderous smile on his face " Behave". " Lady Rana, would you like to accompany me on a walk of Winterfell?" Robb asked as he extended his arm, " I'd love to" I agreed as I took Robb's arm and began to walk with him. Robb showed me all around Winterfell and told me stories of when he was a young boy playing with his siblings." And finally my lady, the godswood" " It's beautiful" I gasped as I walked towards the tree. " The gods would be proud of this tree, and it's sacred grounds".

" You seem quite interested with the gods" " Only the godswood of Winterfell, my father said it was the one place my mother wanted to bring me", " Where is your mother now?" " She died giving birth to me". " I'm sorry my lady" " It's fine, you always have to take a life to give a life, my father said she was proud to leave if I was to be born, hopefully I've made her proud so far". " I'm sure she is my lady, and I'm sure her spirit lies within these trees" " I hope so, this was her favourite place to pray". " Hopefully it will be yours too when your the lady of Winterfell".

I turned quickly to face Robb, " So you've accepted the marriage?" " I accepted it as soon as my father told me about it, I've heard many tales about your kindness and beauty and I think you'd make an excellent wife and an excellent leader for Winterfell by my side". I smiled as I stood by the godswood tree, " Thank you Robb, I hope I can be a perfect wife for you". Robb stood in front of me and held my chin, he leaned down slowly but quickly captured his lips on mine. I felt this shock go through my body as we kissed and I never wanted it to end.

I got bored of the grounds rather quickly and wanted to do something fun. I spotted Rana and Robb walking into the woods so I followed quietly behind them. I hid behind a tree while they talked and shared stories which was rather boring, but once I saw Robb kiss her. That's.when my blood started to boil, how dare he touch her, how dare he take her first kiss. She is meant to be my bride, my perfect wife who'll do anything to satisfy me!. I quickly ran back to Winterfell and slammed the door to my chambers " If that's what you want little Rana, then I, will be Lord of Winterfell one day, and on that day you will be my bride.

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