Chapter Thirteen

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I was very wary of Ramsay, he made me very uncomfortable during his stay. I'd catch him staring at me, see him mouthing things to me and even got a note from him stating horrible things no brother should ever say about his sister! I was going crazy. It has gotten to the point I started locking the door to my room at night from the inside, some nights I barely slept in fear of Ramsay coming into my room and doing something to me. One morning as I was bathing I couldn't stop being on edge, I was alone naked in the bath while my hand maiden left to get more bath salts. I jumped as I heard the door to my room open and close " Hello? Who's there?" I asked " Rana?" Robb called as he walked into my sight " Oh Robb, it's just you" I sighed in relief.

" That's it, what's wrong with you Rana? You've been jumpy for days" " It's nothing" " No it isn't, so your going to tell me what's wrong now, or I'll go to your father". " No! Don't tell father" " Then tell me! Your worrying me Rana", I sighed as I stared at Robb " You have to promise you won't tell anyone" " I promise". I took a deep breath before looking at Robb " I'm scared of Ramsay" " Your brother? Why?" " Because. Of things he's said and things he's done" " Like what? What has he said or done?" " I- I can't tell you that". " Rana you can tell me anything, we got married. For better or for worse, you can trust me please just tell me why your so afraid of him".

" Because he tells me things, brother should ever tell his sister. He does things no brother should do to their sisters Robb" I spoke as tears began to fall from my eyes. " W-what do you mean?" " He...he tells me that we're meant to be together. He tells me the things he wants to do to me, the things he wants to do to my he wants to fuck me" I sobbed. Robb stared at me in disgust " What?!" " He always tells me that he doesn't see me as his sister and that I'm just another whore for him. But Robb I'm terrified of him, I'm scared he's going to hurt me and I don't know what to do".

" I'll kill him" Robb said " If he goes anywhere near you I'll kill him!". At breakfast I sat in my usual spot, Last Stark had left yesterday, for what I did not know. Robb would not tell me but I knew it had to be serious if she left Bran's side. " So father how long are you going to stay?" " Oh just another day or two, I don't want to overstay, I seen my daughter and met my grandson so I'm happy" " Maybe I'll visit you father" " I'd love that" I smiled. Half way through breakfast my smile vanished from my face when I felt a foot rub my legs. I looked at Ramsay as he held his usual disgusting smile towards me, his foot kept getting higher and higher up my skirts before I moved my legs " Are you alright Rana?" " Yes sorry, I just felt something on my leg". Robb glared at Ramsay before kissing me passionately.

Father was the first to leave as he wanted to spend a day with his grandson, Ramsay was next as he said he wanted to explore Winterfell. " Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you? I can cancel all my meetings" " No Robb, you are the head of this house while your mother and father are gone. Go to your meetings I'll spend the day with Ricken, Bran and my father". Robb kissed me goodbye before leaving to his meetings, I made my way up the many stairs to Bran's room. As I walked past the third floor I gasped as I was dragged into a room, I groaned as I was thrown into the room.

My head snapped up to Ramsay " So sister, is your body finally ready for me?" My eyes opened wide " What?". Ramsay grabbed my feet and dragged me towards him as I tried to kick him away, " Oh come now don't be like that". I grabbed a vase and smashed it over his head, he let me go and I jumped up and ran for the door. Ramsay pinned me to the wall and covered my mouth " You think you can get away from me so easy? You don't know how long I've waited for this, how long I've waited for you to be naked in my bed. For me to be the man on top of you, to fuck you, to touch your body". Tears fell down my eyes and onto his hand as he licked my neck " But not yet, the time is coming close but not yet dear sister, now don't speak a word of this to anyone or I'll murder your child" I nodded my head " Good, now go before I change my mind".

I ran out of his room to my own and was greeted by Robb " Rana what happened?" " Nothing I'm fine, what are you doing here I thought you had meetings?" " I did but I just received word that my mother kidnapped Tyrion Lannister, and my father was attacked by Jamie Lannister. I came to get you for an emergency meeting" I followed Robb to the dinning hall where we were met my many generals and lords.

" The north can not stand for this! Those Lannister brats attacked my father and have him jailed! They have started a war with us" " Knowing them they will not let your father go do easily". " We have to be careful" I started " We can't just go to war with them so carelessly, they have Arya and Sansa, who knows what they could do to them young girls". " Rana is right, but I can not stand by and let my father be imprisoned and my sisters hurt by the lions. Tomorrow we leave for war!". " But Robb, what about me? What about Edward?" I begged " I'm sorry Rana, you know I love you both very much. But as a Stark I can't let this happen to my family, family is everything to us. You will stay here it's Edward and Theon and keep ruling Winterfell. I'll send letters every week I promise".

I cried as I held onto Robb tight " Robb I cant lose you" " You will never lose me Rana, I will return to you when all of this is finished. I will be a better man for you and our son. I swear on the old gods and the new I will return to you and be the husband you deserve". I cried as I stared at Robb " I can't let you go" " You must my love, I must rescue my sisters and father" " Robb you don't understand" " Rana please! I have to do this" " I'm pregnant".

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