Chapter Sixteen

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I let out scream after scream as each arrow pierced Robb in the chest and back, I looked in horror as they stabbed his wife in the stomach. Robb slowly crawled over to her and cried at her dead body, he turned to me " Did you-" " No, no Robb I'd never. I love you" I cried " I love you too Rana" he coughed. " Let my son go or I'll kill her!" Lady Stark screamed as she had Lord Freys wife by her hair and a knife at her throat. " I'll marry another" Lord Frey answered, Cat sliced the girls neck before looking at me " I'm so sorry Rana" I covered my mouth when a solider slit his throat, and the noises from outside. They were all being slaughtered, " Robb?" I cried as I sat beside him, I pressed my hand to his chest as I stroked his hair " No Robb please don't leave me again" I cried.

" Rana!" My father yelled as he pulled me up, " Don't cry over him, he's a waste of a man" " I have two children for him" I cried. " No you don't. You have one unborn child". I looked at my father confused before suddenly it clicked " killed my child?" " Edward shared this traitors blood, I couldn't have him in my bloodline". My mouth dropped open as I let out a blood curdling scream, my legs gave out on me as the pain in my chest grew and grew, breaking my heart. " It was for the best" I punched my father in the chest as hard as I could " He was my son! He was my son! I gave birth to him! I loved him!!!" I screamed as my body gave out on me. I cried as I fell to the floor, holding onto Robbs body wishing he was here to stop it all and protect me.

" Don't take it so hard Rana, as soon as the one inside of you is out and dealt with, you can re-marry and try again". I looked up at my father, disgust and anger clear on my red puffy face, " You will not touch my child!" I screamed " No Lord will want you if you have another Lords son!" " I don't care! I'll never remarry, you can't make me!". Father grabbed my wrists rightly before dragging me upstairs, " Let go of me!" " You'll be locked in your room till we leave tomorrow for the Dread Foot" " I am not going anywhere with you". " Stop being so difficult" " Mother is turning in her grave at the man you have become! You murdered my son, your grandchild! I'm happy mother's dead so she can't see the monster you've become".

Father stopped in his tracks and glared at me, I stood my ground and within a moment, a blink I felt a sharp pain to my face and I was on the floor. Father hit me, I screamed as he pulled me up " Keep that filthy mouth of yours shut before I do! I should have known this would happen. That you'd betray your family for a filthy Stark" " Id rather be with him then with you". Slap! I let out a cry as my head swung to the side " Keep this up and you will, I'll get you in the morning and by then you better behave or far worse will come your way". Father locked my door and left, leaving me a crying mess on the floor. Robb was child, my little Edward was dead. My family was leaving me, and I couldn't bare the pain.

I grabbed a quill and a paper, who do I trust? Who out there can I trust? Jon! I quickly wrote down a message and sealed it before tying it to a Raven and sending it off to the wall, if anyone could save me now it was Jon. The next morning I was made ride in a carriage surrounded by soldiers so I wouldn't try and escape. I sat alone in the carriage, crying and mourning my two loves. After an hour into the ride I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, " Ah!" Before I felt water rushing down my legs. I let out a cry and started banging on the carriage door that they had locked " Let me out! Help me please!" I screamed in pain but I was ignored. " Please!" I begged " Should we check on her my Lord?" " No, she's just mourning she'll be fine until we reach home".

After a few minutes of banging and nobody helping me I realised I was on my own. I took slow deep breaths as I took my dress off, staying in my white undergarment dress underneath. I pulled all the pillows off the seats and put them on the floor before grabbing a blanket and putting it on the floor too. I  lay on the floor, resting my head against the seat as each contraction came. After about two hours I felt a huge pain and screamed, I pulled my skirt up to my thighs and took a deep breath, tears pouring down my face. " You can do this Rana, you can do this" I cried before grabbing the sides of the carriage and pushing.

I took a deep breath to try and relax as the carriage bumped along the road. I was covered in sweat and tears, I gave myself a minute break for breathing between each push. Before I felt it, " Okay Rana, one more, one more!" I cried as I pushed harder than before. I let out a huge scream/cry as I felt my baby leave my body. I looked down and saw my little baby crying on the blanket. I grabbed the clean blanket behind me and wrapped my tiny baby up in it, keeping it as warm as possible. " Shhh, it's okay little one. Mommys here, mommys here" I smiled as I held my baby to my body. I opened the blanket and smiled " You're my little girl" I cried in happiness as I held her as close to me as I could.

I stayed there, on the floor of the carriage for the rest of the ride home, feeding her, holding her and crying because I did not want to let her go. After hours we finally stopped as I heard the trumpets welcome us home, I took a deep breath and put on a brave face as the door to my carriage unlocked. " She's being quite most of the ride, let's hope she's learned her lesson". The door to my carriage opened and I slowly looked up at the men before me. " Lord Bolton you'll want to see this" a solider called, " What! Just grab her" " We can't sir" " Why not?!". My father looked down at me in complete shock, " I had a baby girl" I smiled as I closed my eyes.

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