Chapter Seventeen

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I heard the gates open and I smiled as I quickly made my way outside, I stopped confused for a moment as father and some soldiers stood around the carriage. " No! Rana sweetheart don't close your eyes" father shouted which made me run over. I gasped as the sight, she was sitting on the floor of the carriage, her white dress covered in blood, as well as the blankets on the floor. Her black hair messy and covered in sweat, as her weak frame held a baby close to her.

" Rana give me the child" father said " No! I don't want you to hurt her! Please. Please father" I cried as I held onto her with the little strength I had. " Please, I don't want to lose my daughter like I lost my son". Father sighed before Ramsay stepped forward " Rana I will look after your daughter while you rest, okay?" He asked and I nodded before handing her over to him. Father grabbed his knife and sliced the cord before picking me up " Please Ramsay! Please don't let father hurt her" I cried as I was carried away.

I looked down at the little girl in my hands confused, Rana lost Edward? How? I brought the baby inside and grabbed a servant " Come to my room with hot water, towels and clothes and clean the baby" I ordered before letting her go. I stayed directly behind the servant as she cleaned the child, seeing Rana so desperate not to give her to father? Why? She trusts father with her life why wouldn't see give her the child? " I'm going to see my father, you harm this child and I will skin you alive" I said before leaving and locking my door before going to Rana's room.

Father was at her beside as she slept, " She's lucky she's alive, she lost so much blood my Lord" " When did she give birth?" " Judging from her body and the blood she's lost, about four or five hours ago". " Rana had her baby in a carriage? Did she not call for help?" I asked " She did bang on the door I just thought she was mourning the stark boy" " Did she scream!? Did she cry?!" " Yes" father answered as I looked at him with so much anger " And you ignored her?" " What's done is done" " Rana could die?" " She'll be fine, she's put on bed rest for a while, she should recover. Now where is her baby?".

" Leave it, it'll be dead soon without her" father said making my eyes widen " But my Lord?" " I said leave it" " Give us a moment" I said as I looked at the maester. Once we were alone I looked at father " Did you kill Edward?" " Yes" " Why? Why would you hurt Rana like that? She's your daughter? Edward was your grandson?" " And his blood was tainted by that traitor, King Tommen's orders were clear. In exchange for getting rid of the traitor and his family, including my grandchildren. He will give me the paper that says you are a Bolton, as well as giving me the title of Warden of the North".

" But Rana would die before she let you hurt her baby" " That's why I'm going to kill it now" " But it's a girl, surly she can keep her?". " Why do you care all of a sudden?" " The only thing Rana lives for right now is that baby. If you kill it I guarantee Rana will end up killing herself, then you'll have no one to marry off". Father growled " Fine, she can keep this child till she is re married" " Okay fine". Father left and I couldn't help but stare at Rana, she was so pale and looked so weak and fragile. I gently touched her soft pale cheek " Don't worry my darling Rana, I'll protect you and your baby, I'll take revenge on father for what he's done to you. I swear it" I vowed before kissing her gently on the forehead. This is going to be fun.

I sighed as I stared out at the wall, so much war is happening. My father, my mother and my brother are dead, my two sisters and brothers are missing and in trouble and I can't leave this wall to find them. Rana, god what she must be going through right now. " Jon! A letter has come for you" " From who?" " It looks like the Bolton sigil". I quickly grabbed the letter and read it

Dear Jon
I'm sorry to have to write this to you but my father betrayed your family. He is working with the Lannister's, I am so sorry Jon. I had no idea about any of this, Jon my father killed him...he killed Edward"

" What?" " What's it say? Who's it's from?" " It's from Rana, my sister in law. She was the one wed to Robb".

" Jon, I'm pregnant. I'm due my baby any day and my father wants to kill it the second it's out of my body. I'm so scared Jon. I didn't know who else to trust, I'm so alone right now Jon. Please, please help me.

" What's it say?" " Lord Bolton had betrayed the North and Rana" " How?" " He murdered her son and wants to murder her second child once it's born". " That's not our problem Jon, our job is to guard this wall" " No, I can't stay here and wait anymore. My family needs me, they've needed me the whole war and I did nothing, now my nephew and my family are dead and my sister and my niece or nephew need me as well as my sisters and brothers. And I'm going to help them. No matter what".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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