Chapter two

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My handmaiden woke me early so we could dress, have an early breakfast with my father before we leave. I dressed in a nice simple brown dress and left my hair down as I know it will cold outside and leaving my hair down helps. I met father at the table and wished him good morning before seeing Ramsay and jumping " What are you doing up so early? You're usually the last one here?" " Well it's no use being a Lord if your late, besides I think it's the woman who should be late, they do put in more effort than we do".

We ate our breakfast and before we could leave father said he had something to ask, " Rana, your handmaiden came to my office last night, she told me that Ramsay had threatened to fuck you and that he would have you as his bride no matter what". I looked at Ramsay then father " That's not true at all father" " It's not?" " No, Ramsay did come to my chambers yesterday but he was just teasing me about how much sex hurts woman the first time, he never said any of those horrible things to me". Father looked at me as if he was unsure " Father, don't you think I would run to you if my own brother said those things to me" " I suppose your right, have some words with your handmaiden and you" Father said turning to Ramsay " Don't you ever tease Rana like that again, it's a scary thing for a woman to lose her virginity and I will not have Rana be scared of something that will be enjoyable for her, now both of you go, we leave in an hour".

Ramsay and I walked into my chambers and he quickly shut the door, " Why did you defend me?" " Because your my brother, even though you treat me as if I'm just another girl you'd like to fuck, I actually care about you, and I didn't want father to hurt you". " Thank you" Ramsay said as he had this odd look on his face " You're welcome, now go get ready or you'll anger father".

" I actually care about you, and I didn't want father to hurt you", I was in shock by the words that came out of her mouth, she cares for me? Nobody's ever cared for me before, my father regrets me and my bedwamers only use me for my cock. But Rana, she actually cares for me...she loves me. I stared at Rana in disbelief and another emotion I could not describe. " Thank you".

We were all packed and ready to go, our men were on their horses and we were waiting for Ramsay. " Father where's my horse?" " You will not be riding a horse this time, you will be in a carriage with your handmaiden, I want you to look presentable and having you in the cold will do no such thing. Get in we leave now" " But Ramsay?" " Ramsay said he will follow us, he wants to see the maester for something". I got into my carriage with my handmaiden and sighed so we could begin the journey to Winterfell".

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