Chapter Ten

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The next morning I struggled to get out of bed, I groaned in pain as I held the bedsheets. " Robb" I cried, he turned to me and quickly got up " Rana are you alright?" " No, I-I don't know what's happening. Ah!" I cried as another sharp pain appeared. " Ill be right back Rana" Robb ran out of the room and within a few second Lady Stark ran into my room " Rana are you alright?" " No, the baby" I cried " I don't know what's happening". Lord Stark ran into the room with Robb and the maester, he checked me and turned to my hand maiden " Get hot water, warm towels and my tool kit from my studies, now!". " What's happening?" I asked " It seems you are further along then it seemed my lady, your in labour", " What?" Robb asked " You've never made this mistake before" Ned said " She only came to me two months ago, and her stomach was small, I figured she was only a few months along".

I ended up staying in bed all day as I waited and waited for the baby to be born. Robb and the Stark family along with the Royal family ended up spending the day in the dinning hall, waiting for any news of my baby. " My lady you need to start pushing now" " I want Robb!" I cried as I held my hand maidens hand " I'll go fetch him" " There's no time she needs to push now" " I'll get him" another hand said as she ran down the stairs as fast as she could.

" I feel so useless" I shouted as I sat in the dinning hall " My wife is upstairs in our bed right now in labour and I can't do anything to help her". " I know som but these things take time, you'll be lucky if you have the baby by tomorrow morning" the doors burst open and we all turned to see a maid " Lord Stark your wife is starting to push, she wants you now" I jumped up from the table and ran upstairs and burst into the room to see her crying.

" I can't do this" I cried as I took deep breaths " Yes you can I'm here for you my love" Robb said as he held my head up and held my hand. " Just look at me and push, come on Rana push" he encouraged me as I squeezed his hand tight. I did as I was told and pushed whenever I was instructed to, and after an incredibly long process I had finally pushed the baby out. My legs dropped and I lay my head on the pillows as I cried in exhausting, " You did amazing Rana" Robb smiled at me as he kissed my head. I was covered in sweat and blood and I turned to see my baby wrapped up in a blanket as they brought it back over to me. I held it close and smiled down at its little face, I rubbed its tiny fingers and cried as I kissed it's head " Congratulators my Lord and Lady, you just welcomed your first baby son" " It's a boy" I smiled at Robb " What do you wish to name him?" " Edward, after your father" I said.

After I was washed up and the bed was changed, the Stark and Royal family came into our chambers. Cat and Ned looked at me and smiled " You did such a good job Rana" Ned said to me, " Mother, father, I would like you all to meet our first son" Robb said and everyone cheered " A baby boy, have you decided on a name?" Cat asked " His name is Edward, after his grandfather" I smiled at Ned as this huge smile broke out on his face " After me?" " You are a father to me Ned, I want him to be named after a good man". " He's so cute" she smiled as she touched his cheek " Lady Stark, would you please write to my father and tell him the good news?" " Of course Rana, I'll write to him before bed". I gave Edward to Lady Stark and I couldn't help but see the tear that fell from her eye " Please don't cry, I'll start again" I laughed. After everyone left I fed Edward and held him close before putting him to bed in a crib that was made for him just in time, Robb held me close as I fell into a deep sleep.

At breakfast a maid came in to deliver a letter to father, " Oh it's a letter from the Stark's" he said before he unfolded the paper and started to read. As he read a strange smile appeared on his face " We must visit Winterfell, we leave today" " What? Why?" I asked confused as father had the servants running around. " Your sister just gave birth to a baby boy" father smiled at me before leaving the room, " What?!" I grabbed the piece of paper from the table and read it myself
" Dear Lord Bolton,
I write to inform you that your daughter, Rana gave birth last night to a beautiful baby boy. We only discovered her pregnancy two moons ago but we had no idea how far along she was. She was so strong as she suffered through sixteen hours of labour before delivering a healthy baby boy just after dinner. She has decided to name him Edward, she wishes to see you soon. Preparations are being made as I write this, hope to hear from you soon.
Lady Stark".

I grabbed the piece of paper as I froze, " She had a baby. She had a son for him!" I growled. Is the gods trying to angry me? Why would they give her a son? Why would they curse her with a child at all? That just gives me more work!. " Don't worry little sister, I'll be there soon to help take care of your little problem".

I woke up the next morning and smiled at the sight before me. Robb was holding Edward in his arms and rocking him back and forth, " What a beautiful scene to wake up to" Robb laughed " Your father wrote back, said he'd be here in a week" " He lives two weeks away" " His words not mine". I took Edward from his arms and fed him at my breast, I smiled at him " I can't tell who he looks like yet" " That's because he hasn't opened his eyes yet, at least he has both our brown hair" Robb joked. " I can't wait to get out of bed" " What? No, the maester said you are to stay in bed for the rest of the week" " Robb I can't stay in bed all week, you know I have to do something" " I'll ask the maester to check you". " I wish I could go downstairs for breakfast, I wish to show Edward off. Show him his uncles and aunties" " He'll meet them properly soon" " Are you okay?" We turned our heads to see Jon and Theon standing in the doorway, "We didn't know if people were allowed to see him or not?" Jon asked.

" Yes come in" I smiled as I took Edward away from my breast, I laughed as I saw Robb slap Theon hard on the back of the head. I wrapped him tight in his blanket as Jon sat beside me on the bed, " He's so small" " His name is Edward" " After father?" Jon asked and I nodded. " Would you like to hold him?" " May I?" " Of course, watch his head" I said as I placed Edward in Jon's arms. Jon smiled down at him as he slowly touched his small hand " He's perfect" " Thank you Jon" Robb put his hand on Jon's shoulder " The first of many nephews" " The first? I am not doing this again for a while Robb" I said and Jon laughed " But now he needs a sister" " Only if your pushing it out of you, if not he can wait a year or two".

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