Chapter Nine

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I have lived with the Stark's for over a year now, I have helped Arya with her studies in fun ways or made jokes in order for her to enjoy them a little bit more. I gossiped with Sansa, I played to Bran and Ricken, I became best friends with Jon and had an amazing marriage with Robb. One morning Jon and Robb were teaching Bran how to use a bow and arrow, I stood beside Rickon as he sat on a log. Bran missed every shot, he was getting annoyed with himself " Take in a deep breath, and release only when your sure of your shot" I told Bran and he nodded. He took in a deep breath and dropped his arms and turned his head after an arrow was shot and hit the bullseye, we laughed as Bran ran after Arya for embarrassing him.

I stayed with the boys until they had to leave with their father, to watch the execution of a man who left the wall. I had bathed and spent time with the girls while the boys were away, and I couldn't hold my excitement as Robb came in with a puppy. I smiled and cried as the little thing licked me and cuddled me, once it was time for dinner, I washed up in our room. I brushed my hair as Robb dressed after taking his bath, " What?" He asked " What?" " You haven't stopped staring at me" " I don't know if I should say just yet". " So there is something?" " I didn't say that" " You didn't deny it either". I stood up and took his hands " Robb, I'm with child", he looked at me as a huge smile broke out on his face " You are?" " Yes" " Thank the gods!" Robb said as he kissed me and twirled me around " Does anyone else know?" " No, I only found out a few days ago" " Do you know how far alone?" " I was told maybe four moons".

Robb couldn't stop smiling at me through dinner, I had to elbow him a few times to get him to act normal. Ned looked at his wife and nodded before sitting up " I have news to tell you children. A good friend of mine sadly passed away from a sickness" " I'm sorry to hear that farther" " He was the hand of the King, so the King is coming here. He'll be here in a months time" " The King is coming here? To Winterfell?" Sansa smiled. Robb coughed " We have some news too father" " Yes?" Ned asked as he looked at us " Rana is with child" he said and everyone smiled. " This is brilliant news Robb, congratulations both of you" " I'm going to be a grand mother" Cat smiled at me " This day can't get any better" Sansa smiled.

Over the month Cat and myself have been organising everything for the royal family's stay. I had finished their rooms and double checked everything with Cat as it was the morning the King should be arriving. Bran came down from the tower and smiled " Their coming! They're just over the hill" " No climbing! Get your father I'll find your siblings". Cat and I managed to get everyone, Ned and his family stood in line as I stood behind them with Jon. " Where's Arya? Sansa where is your sister?" Sansa shrugged " I'll get her" I said as I spotted her. I quickly walked over and grabbed Arya's hand before running back to get in line, and just in time too. We bowed as the King got off his horse and stood when he said to stand.

" You've gotten fat" King Robert said as he stared at Ned, making them both laugh and hug. " Cat" he smiled before hugging her, " This little one is Ricken" Ned said as he pointed to his youngest. " This is my oldest  Robb" " Handsome young man, surprised the girls aren't chasing you" " I'm married a year now your highness" " And which one is your wife?" " I'll introduce you later". " Sansa my oldest daughter" " Your a pretty one" " Arya, and my second youngest Bran". The Queen soon came over and introduced herself " Now where's the newest Stark?" Robert asked. I walked forward and bowed " Your highness" I said before standing up " Your a true beauty. What's your name?" " Rana of House Bolton" " Ah, you look just like your mother" Robert smiled at me. " About to be a mother yourself?" Cersi asked me as she looked at my stomach " Yes my queen" I smiled " Almost six moons" I said as I placed my hand on my swollen belly " Motherhood suits you" the queen smiled at me.

We were now sitting at the table for our feast, Ned was walking around talking to people, while the queen and Cat were sat beside each other. I was talking to my friend and bumped into someone " My apologies" I said as I turned to see none other than Jamie Lannister " Nonsense my lady, the fault is mine" " Thank you sir" " Please call me Jamie" " Then please call me Rana". " Rana, your the wife of the little wolf" " Little wolf? You mean Robb" " Yes my lady" he looked down and smiled " Starting a family already?". " We have been married almost two years, and I only found out I was with child two months ago", " And how old are you?" " I'm eighteen, you seem to be questioning me a lot Sir Jamie" " I simply wish to get to know you better, my lady" he smirked as he kissed my hand.

" Rana, Robb is looking for you love" " Of course, pleasure to meet you Jamie" I nodded my head to him " The pleasure is mine". I took a few steps away " What are you doing?" " Meeting a beautiful young woman" " Who is married and carrying my grandchild" " And your problem?" " Behave Lannister or I'll have your head". Ned guided me back to the table when he saw I couldn't get through the crowd. I took a deep breath when I sat down " This babe is getting heavier" I sighed " And my feet are killing me" " Motherhood" Cersi smiled " Hurts you in many ways, but when you have your babe in your arms it will all be worth it" " I hope so, feel so tired all the time. I struggle to get out of bed" " If it worsens you may need to be put on bed rest, happened to me on my first child".

" So Rana, will you keep Robb from me when you have your child?" Theon asked " I'm pretty sure he loves you more than me" I laughed with Theon. " Nonsense, I can still have fun with my friends while I do my duties to my wife and house" " Sure, I'll see you for training once a week" Theon laughed " He'll still have time for you, don't worry Theon".

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