Let's Start Over

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Alex sat in Dr. Harper's office. She was waiting for her mother to arrive so that they could begin their first therapy session. As she waited, she closed her eyes replaying the heated argument she and Derek got into the night before. 

Flashback to the night before

Noah had called Alex asking if he could come over to discuss how he should handle their song and "breakup" in the press while he was on his summer tour. Alex not thinking too much about how it would look if Noah briefly came by, gave him the ok. As Noah arrived, Derek was 20 minutes away with Alex's favorite meal as a surprise. Noah's and Alex's conversation was quick and more so of a "this is what you need to say," and less of "let's talk about what happened." There was no need for the latter conversation. They both realized what they had was a fling built around sex and adventure, nothing real. As Alex walked Noah to the door, he stopped and gave her a kiss on the check. As Noah was pulling away, the door opened. It was Derek and his expression went from happiness to rage. Noah seeing Derek's facial expression saw his way out. 

"Alex, what the fuck was that? Why was he hugged upon you like that?"

Alex grabbed Derek's hand trying to get him to calm down. "It's not like that. Noah came over to talk about our song and how to handle the press and interviews while on his tour since I'm laying low right now. It was strictly business. Nothing else." 

"And that's all you talked about. Just the music? 

"Music and how to talk about our breakup in the press. That's all." 

Derek didn't have an immediate response. Hearing Noah's name and seeing him hugged up on his girl put him in rage. He wasn't over the past. 

"Derek, I'm sorry but I swear there is nothing going on with him. You have nothing to worry about. I want you."

"You said the same shit last time before you cheated so excuse me if I find it hard to believe you."

Alex, finding it hard to breathe, started to tear up. Derek annoyed, sat the food down on the table and made his way to the door. 

"Alex, I think we need space." 

"Derek, baby no. We are doing so well. Please don't let this stop us from continuing to build what we have." 

"I'll call you later. Good luck with your mom tomorrow."

As Derek walked out of the door, Alex's breathing became heavy. She felt her chest get tight as her knees grew weaker forcing her to the ground. She was having a panic attack. 

Derek had left his car keys and made his way back when he found Alex on the floor trying to grasp her breath. He immediately ran to where she was taking her in his arms. 

"Baby, it's ok. Just calm down. Breathe. In and out. Just breathe in and out." 

After a few minutes of breathing in and out, her panic attack ceased. She was a ball of emotions. Mentally and physically, she was not ok. 

Derek knowing Alex didn't need to be alone decided to stay with her for the night. 

"I'm going to stay here tonight to make sure you're ok. I'll sleep on the couch." 

"I thought you were mad at me?"

"Alex, I'm not mad. I'm upset and I need to sort out how I'm feeling right now. But you need me.  I'm not going to let you be alone." 

Back to Present Day

"Alex, Alex, sweetie," Rose called out bringing Alex back to reality and out of her thoughts. 

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