Chapter 3 - Frisk's Story

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P: *frisk.
*i want you to look me in the eyes.
*i want you to look me in the eyes and tell me that if i try to become your friend and put the past in the past, that you will never, and i repeat, NEVER, put me, sans, or anyone else in danger.
*no more monsters will die by your hand.
*this timeline will never be reset and we will stay in our happy ending.
*if you can look me in the eyes, and tell me that, i will be your friend.

Frisk inhales and sighs, and looks Papyrus straight in the eye. Her sight is blurry from all the tears, but she still looks him straight in his eyes.

F: *Papyrus, I will never put another monster in danger. I will never kill another monster, not even HURT a single monster. Everyone will stay alive and I will respect my promise to you.

P: *kid, you forgot the reset part.

F: *Papyrus… I…
*I don't have control of that.

P: *what?
*what do you mean??

F: *I never had control of the timeline. That was Chara's power, not mine…
*A long time ago, Chara freed you all, and tried life on the surface with you. She loved it, but never was truly happy. She felt it was unfair that me and Monster Kid had to stay dead for her to have a happy ending. So… she reset.
*Over and over again, she tried everything possible to have both the happy ending and have me and Monster Kid come back. Nothing ever worked, nothing ever stuck. She could always only have one or the other.
*This… made her angry. But she didn't know how to control that anger, and kept resetting until she went mad.
*She took this anger out on the monsters, killing each and every single one of them.
*Until she reached Sans. She could never kill Sans, because I would not let her.
*I would always take her power and reset before your brother met his end.

P: *you… saved… sans?

F: *Yes. But I could only do that for so long…
*The more Chara killed, the more DETERMINATION she kept getting. But when she reset, that determination went out of her and into me. Eventually, I was also driven mad.
*I… stopped resetting her progress, and…
*W-Well… you know the rest…

P: *...
*so why aren't you two crazy killers now?

F: *Because that DETERMINATION led her and I straight to the end. We slaughtered all the monsters, but in the end, we both broke down.
*So, we used the power to reset the timeline one last time, and do things right! And, well… here we are.

P: *...
*i see.
*alright, kid-... frisk.
*time for my end of the deal.

Papyrus stands up, and cracks a smile.

P: *put 'er there, new pal.

Frisk stands up, and instantly starts crying again. She shakily puts her hand in his, and shakes profusely.


P: *woah, o-ok, slow down!
*don't need to take m'hand off, nyehehe!

Frisk and Papyrus spend the rest of the day watching TV and cracking jokes. Papyrus actually tells her about why he drinks honey and smokes, and she's amazed by it. He tells her all kinds of stories. For once, the two aren't at odds with each other.

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