Chapter 9 - A Long Awaited Apology

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Chara stops remembering, and she looks at Papyrus, who looks concerned.

P: *kid, i didn't think you'd mull over it for that long, i'm so-

But before Papyrus can finish his apology, Chara bursts into tears. She tries to cover the tears with her hands, but they stream down like a river. She collapses onto the bed across from the one Papyrus is sitting on, and curls up, crying more.
Papyrus gets up and sits next to her, putting his hand on her back to comfort her.

P: *chara, i want you to understand something.
*i do not hate you, i do not hate frisk, i don't hate either of you.
*being with you and seeing sans finally find someone has been a very good experience for me.
*but it's very hard for me to truly accept frisk.
*she is the main reason behind what happened in those timelines, and i can't forget them, no matter how hard i try to.
*sans doesn't remember them at all, and i'm happy he doesn't. but it makes it even harder for me.
*i know you two were overloaded with DETERMINATION, and i know what that stuff can do with someone's head. but the feeling of dying takes a while to leave you. you and frisk should know that.

Chara continues to sob, and starts shaking.

P: *when i saw sans run out after yelling at me like that, it awakened a part of me that should never have been brought up.
*sans has never hated me before. he has forgiven me for basically everything i do.
*but if he was truly angry with me at that moment, then who else could have done it?
*i know attacking frisk like that was wrong. i could have caused irreversible damage if you were not there. but it will take quite a while for me to fully adjust to her not being the cause of my pain.

C: *P-Pap… please…

Chara gets up, and wraps her arms around Papyrus. She cries into his hoodie for a while, while he hugs her back and tries to comfort her. She raises her head up, barely, and continues:

C: *Pap… I shouldn't h-have yelled at you… You're so sensitive and I didn't even c-consider that… You've been through so much and I can't believe I just screamed at you… You're a fragile man, and I should have been more considerate of that…
*Papyrus… I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all that I've put you through… You wouldn't be experiencing all this pain if it wasn't for me coming down here… and for me to just disregard that… I'm so s-sorry!

P: *Cha-

C: *No, Pap! This is all my fault! P-please…
*Papyrus… promise me something…
*I know I just screwed up really bad… and I know I don't deserve forgiveness… and I know that Sans and Frisk are out there probably having just as much trouble as we are, because of me… but…
*Papy… please don't leave me. Not again…

Papyrus flinches, as he remembers her stunned and horrified face as the last thing he saw before he turned to dust in the genocide run she just remembered. He hugs her tighter.

P: *i'm not going anywhere, kid. you know that.

Chara's smile comes back slowly as she looks him in the eyes, with tears in hers, and they get up and hold hands.

P: *alright, chara. let's go find my brother and his crush.

C: *Wait a sec, P-Papyrus…
*I know I don't do this enough, but I wanna change that, so…

Chara turns him around, and kisses him right on his skeletal lips. She wraps her arms around his neck, as he wraps his around her waist. After about 30 seconds, they stop kissing.

P: *nyehehehe…
*thanks, chara. i needed that.

C: *Any time, Papyrus. Now, let's go find those dorks!

P: *they could be halfway back into the underground by now, where the heck do you think they went?


P: *why do i get the feeling you're gonna call-

Chara pulls out her phone with her free hand, since her other hand is in Papyrus', and she dials the number for a certain lizard monster that can help track Sans down. The line picks up after the first two rings.

C: *Alphys, me and Papy need your help! We need you to help us find Sans and Frisk, they could be anywhere!

A: *A hunt, huh?! C-COUNT ME IN!

P: *chara, you know she's serious when she says she'll be here-

Alphys busts into the room, with Muffet trailing behind her.


P: * five seconds.

M: *Captain Alphys, please do not startle me like that! I could have had a heart attack, dearie!

A: Sorry, Muffet! G-Guess I get a little carried away, hehehe!

P: *"a little"?

C: *Alright, guys! Let's go find those two nerds and hook them up already!


P: *yeah.

"Apologies" ~ An Underswap Frans StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang