Chapter 8 - Chara's Flashback

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P: *nyehehehe…
*hey there, human.
*what is this? attempt number 5?
*hey, that's the number of fingers on a hand. how cool is that?
*i'll tell you how cool.
*nowhere near as cool as what i'm about to do to you.


C: *Papyrus, how many more times must we do this? It's only a matter of time before I KILL you!
*You won't last any longer than your stupid brother did!

P: *sans may have been silly, but he knew what he was doing, kid.
*unlike you, it seems.

Chara is surprised by a barrage of bones that make nearly full contact with her, knocking down a significant portion of her HP.

C: *G-Grrgh!!

P: *i would, but i guess i'm just not feelin' it.

The two fight mercilessly for a while, until Papyrus gets tired. He stops the fight for a bit to try and reason with Chara.

P: *ok, ok, stop. stop it…
*chara, you and i… must talk.
*don't you remember the run before all this?
*when you saved us all?
*well, most of us…
*but you were a savior, chara! you can still be one!
*this whole genocide thing is pointless! you won't get anything but what you've dished out for it. so please…
*i know the thrill of rebelling better than most, and i know habits are not easily given up…
*but put the knife down, chara. we can go back to what we were.
*don't act like you never loved me more than anyone else. because we both know that's a lie.
*we can go back to that! p-please…
*don't make me hurt you any more, chara.

Chara is given the option to spare Papyrus, but does not take it. She almost instantly attacks Papyrus again, but he grabs her arm when he dodges her attack. She is taken by surprise.

P: *guess we never were in love, were we?
*that's fine. that's a lot of guilt off of my chest for what i'm about to do to you.

The two resume the fight. Chara takes repeated slashes at Papyrus, but he blocks them all. The fight goes on as Papyrus uses his powers to manipulate the battle more, and he hits harder and faster with different attacks. He's getting really tired out.

C: *How much more can those bones take, Papy?~
*I might have to keep score of how many times you've blocked me!~

P: *shut up. not another word out of you.
*i'm done telling you my story, i'm done acting like you're someone better.
*if you haven't stopped yet, then you never will.
*so, with that being said...
*you're going  d o w n , chara.

Papyrus increases the difficulty substantially, and Chara has an incredibly difficult time dodging the attacks. She almost dies on multiple occasions, but manages to live on.

P: *alright, brat.
*if you don't give up now, you're gettin' my special attack.
*so i suggest you reset while you have the chance. i'm NOT taking mercy now.

But Chara doesn't listen, and Papyrus grows furious.


An insanely fast attack full of screen transitions, bones, blasters, and soul manipulation ensues this statement, and Chara makes it to the end of it with a measly 1 HP remaining. Papyrus then raises his hand up, and makes his final sentence.

P: *a-alright, here it comes. prepare for my special atta-

But Papyrus is too late. Chara hit the fight button while he was talking, and he had no time to react. The slash goes directly across his neck, and it stops him mid-sentence, as he coughs up blood. His head nearly falls off of his body, but his right hand catches it.

P: *w h y  d o  i  n e v e r . . .
*g e t   t o  u s e . . .
*m y  s p e c i a l  a t t a c k ?

Papyrus coughs up more blood from his severed head, as his body starts dissolving into dust, and blood starts seeping down his hoodie.

P: *gh-gch…
*so… guess… you win, chara…
*just… don't forget what we had… ok?
*well… i-if i'm going to go like this…
*might as well h-have… one last shot of honey…

Papyrus starts walking off, and his body dissolves and fades away with every step he takes. Before he completely turns to dust, he utters his true final words.

P: *sans…
*i'm going to muffet's again…
*don't be mad, ok?...

And with that, Papyrus fades to dust, and dies.

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