Chapter One

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01. Magdelena Is On A Misson

Magdelena was putting a saddle on her horse when two pairs of running feet came up behind her. She knew one was her brother, and figured the other was the Prince, she turned to see she was correct, "What can I help you with?" she asks she wore tight black leather pants with some brown boots and a black shirt which was tight fitting her perfectly. She wore a black cloak with a hood, "I must get going soon."

"My father said you were being sent on a quest for him with no knights," Arthur says while Merlin looked at her with some concern, "I demand you take a few."

"They will only slow me down and get in my way your highness," she says jumping onto the horse which had a few bags of things, a glint of silver showed a sword tied to her waist. 

"Be careful Maggie," Merlin says patting her leg, "I best go get to my chores." He takes his leave as she looks down at Arthur who was looking up at her with complete concern.

"You are carrying a sword, wearing pants and all black," he says, "I can only assume you mean to meet danger." 

"Expected but not an absolute," she says trying to calm him, "No need to worry about me Sire, you have much to worry about. The jousting tournament is in a few weeks, your father hopes to find buried treasure under the castle. Who knows what he may dig up."

"I am more concerned about you, Mags, please you must be careful. There are dangers out there that you have never faced before," he says staring at her, "When do you expect to return?"

"I don't," once her words register with him his eyes go wide and he goes to say something but her soft chuckle gives away her joke, "I expect to return before the tournament."

"I shall expect," he grabs her hand, pressing her knuckles softly against his lips,  "your safe return."

"You better watch yourself, Prince Arthur," she says giving him a warning look, "some might get the wrong idea of you kissing your father's servant's hand." She says nothing more but turns her horse and gives him a nice nudge and he takes off running. Already worry sets into the Prince who makes his way to find his servant who was in the same chambers of Gaius who was attempting to make some potions. 

"Prince Arthur, are you well?" Gaius asks the young man who nodded his head, "Then what brings you in?"

"I was hoping you would inform me as soon as Mags-Magdelena returns and what state she is in?" he asks looking at Gaius with a strong face but his eyes held some form of worry.

"You have got to get better at hiding your fancy to Maggie," Merlin says out of the blue shocking both of the older men in the room, "By the time she returns everyone is to know she has caught your attention."

"I have no idea what you are talking about Merlin," Arthur says before rushing off while Gaius gives Merlin a warning look followed by a knowing look since he too knows that the girl had caught the Prince's attention which may cause more problems than either of the two want.

Meanwhile, Magdelena was having a similar talk with Gilthunder who was talking about how the Prince liked her, "Would you quit that talk? You know better than I probable that should he ever act on his feelings it would bring both of us trouble, I mean imagine explain to his father that he has fallen for Death."

"Please Primera you are more than just death," he says the glamour comes off him and his horn shines in the high sun and his wings spread out before being tucked against his side, "You seem to always forget that."

"Well, Uther knows me only as Death," she says as they pause for a moment looking out at the rolling hills, and the forest on one side, with a lake not far into the forest, "Now, how in the hell are we meant to find this stupid soothsayer?"

"I know where he lives," Gilthunder says, "He often visits our country, he was the one who named me Death's horse."

"Wonderful. Lead the way," she says as he takes off toward the forest heading past the lake and deeper into the dense forest. They rode through the never-ending forest for a few days, neither needing rest nor food or drink as they just ran until they came upon a hidden hut which was very small but gave off a large amount of magic, "Why would Uther want me to deliver a message to a soothsayer?"

"I was wondering when you would arrive," a gravely, deep voice which gave off a sense of knowing, "Magdelena and Gilthunder I welcome you." From the side of the forrest came an older man, his hair was pure white with a few strands of silver, he had a wooden staff with a large knot above his hand. He wore simple robes of dark green, his feet bare. 

"I apologize for the sudden arrival," Magdelena says jumping off the horse walking toward him, "I have a message from King Uther of Camelot. Do you know of whom I speak?"

"Yes," the man says taking the piece of parchment she had pulled from the bags she had strapped to her horse, "I was wondering when he would call in his favor."

"You owe Uther a favor?" she asks curiously, "I assume this was before the Great Purge."

"You would be correct in your assumption," he says chuckling, "Would you care for a cup of tea?"

"I would love to if it is no trouble," she says and the man shakes his head his hair moving with his head in neat waves. She quickly unsaddles Gilthunder and allows him to roam free as she carries the saddle into the house which was much large on the inside. She places the saddle near the door on the floor as she follows him into the kitchen watching as he puts a black pot of water on the fire which he had just lit, "I never got your name."

"Oh how right you are," he says chuckling, "Magorium is the name I often go by, but it is not the name by which Uther knows me by."

"Well, we will make sure it stays this way," she says making the man smile at her before pouring the water into a wooden tankard with some herbs which sink down, "May I ask what Uther is asking of you?"

"You are bound to him are you not?" he asks, "See if you can find it yourself." Magdelena closes her eyes moving through the memories of Uther's until she found the man in front of her sitting on the floor of the throne room. She listens to the words that go through before, she sees him writing the letter which she had been sent to deliver. 

"He asks you to know what you know about bonding to Death," she says opening her eyes confused, "Why would he ask such a thing? He has the book of death."

"Yes but he feels your bond weakening," Magorium says, "You heart is slowly belonging to another. The Prince, Uther's only son."

"That is impossible!" she says staring at him, "I have been doing my best not allowing myself to fall for the charm."

"What is meant to be cannot be fought," the man says sipping his tea, "I have seen your future with the Prince. The more you fight the attraction the more set in stone the future gets."

"You are just telling me that no matter what I do it is going to happen!" she says her eyebrows furrow in despair, "That just isn't fair!"

"Well Fate is a funny mistress," he says, "Likes to make people think they have a choice in certain ways when you really don't." 

"Well I certainly don't find it funny," she mumbles looking at the floor as she thinks about everything she had seen about her future with Arthur.

"Why don't you stay with me for a bit?" he says, "Uther can wait for his favor. Besides I have to think of a good lie to tell him so he doesn't suspect you are falling to someone else."

"You don't have to do that," she says, "He will find out one day I am sure."

"Well no need to hurry that discovery along," Magorium says making her smile at him.

"I think staying would be a great break from Uther and the Prince," she says, and the older man smiles brightly at him.

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