Chapter Forty-Two

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42. DreamScape

Magdelena went to the stables once again, three days had gone by very quickly and she was expected with Morgause once again. Gilthunder landed and Magdelena suddenly got a bad feeling, 'Gilthunder keep an ear out. Something is not right,' Magdelena says as she slides off him and then walks toward the area that she usually met the Priestess in. She walked into the area to find the blonde with her back toward Magdelena, "Morgause?" she says the blondes head snaps up as she slowly turns smiling.

"Magdelena, you are here earlier than usual," Morgause says, usually the sun had gone down for a while but that night Magdelena arrived not long after the sun had dipped out of sight. 

"I can practice if you need more time," Magdelena says, the feeling still in her stomach that something was wrong, "Perhaps I will just take a small walk around the castle, would that be better?"

"That would be wonderful," Morgause says smiling at the younger girl, "I shall either find you or call you."

Magdelena doesn't say anything as she goes up the stairs she remembers Morgause had come down when Arthur and Merlin came to get his wish after doing her challenge set before him. She walked up the stairs and came to a small open aired walkway to the other side. Magdelena walked it to the tower, before climbing up to the top. She looked out the window for a bit, the view was beautiful you could see to the hills which held the waterfall and the river that ran with it. 

Magdelena was unsure how long she was there but eventually made her way back down, and walked her way back down the stairs, across the bridge, and down the stairs expecting to see Morgause in the spot she had been left but she was gone. 

Magdelena made her way slowly to the middle of the party grass party stone area. She slowly spun looking around once more before she went to move but the use of magic came over her before her world began to fade. She grew tired as she fell into the arms of the blonde woman who looked down at her apologetically, "I am sorry Maggie. Please forgive me," her voice says before her lips pressed against Magdelena's before it went black.


Magdelena looked around at her surroundings it was the middle of the night, the stars were shining and the full moon was high in the sky. She swore she had been to this area before but it seemed different for some reason. The sound of flapping wings was heard and she looked up to the sky to see a black dot growing closer and slowly began to take form. The black dot soon grew wings, and small figures sat on top of the creature.

As the creature drew closer Magdelena realized that it was the familiar bronze dragon that once was held under Camelot, chained to the stone, trapped in the dungeons. As he landed she watched as the dragon landed and from the top came the familiar mop of blonde hair, being dragged by the raven-haired she knew was her brother.

"Merlin. There is nothing you can do," the dragon says with such wisdom in his voice as she watches the scene unfold, slightly confused by the servant dragging the Prince.

"I've failed?" Merlin asks his voice sounded almost raw from crying or screaming or perhaps a bit of both. 

"No, young warlock, for all that you have dreamt of building, has come to pass," the dragon says with a small amount of sorrow in his voice. 

"I can't lose him! He's my friend!" Merlin shouts as Magdelena moves closer to them, shocked to find Arthur laying in his armor, a small amount of blonde coming from a wound on his stomach. She bends down to him staring with sadness as she sees the man dead her hand pressing against his face softly.

"Though no man, no matter how great, can know his destiny, some lives have been foretold, Merlin...Arthur is not just a King-he is the Once and Future King," Kilgarrah says, "Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again. It has been a privilege to have known you, young warlock-the story we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men." the dragon takes to the sky flying off while Magdelena just looks at Arthur.

Magdelena stands pushing her hands forward, "STOP!" she screams and the world freezes she looks down at her distraught brother and the dead Prince. She runs to the lake waving her hand over it showing the familiar scene of Arthur being stabbed in the stomach by the older Mordred, "This is not possible, he can not die."

"Not all futures are written in stone," Magdelena turns to see the familiar blonde haired woman with the flower crown on her head and a soft smile on her face, "I can show you what you can do to change the outcome."

"Why would you help me?" Magdelena asks the woman, "I nearly died that last time I tried to find you."

"Well only people who are summoned to me can come see me," the woman says motioning her away from the lake. Magdelena follows her and as she turns she feels the wind rush through her hair, and she turns to see the no longer were at the lake but between two large hills which had a large land between them. Bodies litter the floor some knights of Camelot others were men that Magdelena was unsure, "This is the Battle of Camlann between the forces of Camelot and the army lead by the Priestess Morgana Pendragon."

"You never answered the 'why you are helping me' question," Magdelena says but the Goddess doesn't answer still, "Very well. How can I stop Arth-the Prince from dying?"

A small laugh sounding like what you would expect the sun's laugh to sound like comes from the blonde woman, "You must take the blow instead of Arthur," Magdelena sees Mordred walk from the fog stepping over his comrades and enemies alike, "I must warn you that the sword the young Mordred carries was blessed in dragon's fire."

"That would kill me then," she says staring at the scene as the two fight until Arthur is stabbed before he stabs Mordren himself as well.

"No, the only thing that can truly kill Death is the new Death being born," the Goddess tells Death, "If you should take the stab the worst that will happen is it will feel like a burning cold. You may pass out for a day or two but you will not die."

"But the Book of-"

"I wrote that book to give those who bond to Death forcefully that to make it seem as they had a small chance of controlling death if she should grow out of control," the Goddes says looking at the shocked face of Magdelena.

"You wrote the Book of Death?"

"I also am the one who decided on the powers Death has, and the fact that Death will always be a woman," she says, "I had a male Death who used his powers to overthrow a kingdom which had wronged his family. Another killed the husband of a woman he was in love with."

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