Chapter Thirty-Six

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36. Trouble Comes To Camelot

Magdelena was staring at Uther who was having a slight panic attack or so it would seem as he dressed and ate as quickly as he could. Before he began to pace stopping to stare at Magdelena from head to toe, "You need to fix your hair and wear a nicer dress!" he snaps, "Go change and brush that rats nest then report back to me."

Her mouth went agog as she stared at him in shock but just shook her head mumbling things as she entered her chambers and began to search for one of her nicer dresses. She puts on a white long sleeve dress which showed off her brown boots, with a brown vest which connected to some green fabric which didn't cover the front of her all the way, showing the shorter white dress as the dark brown top tied up keeping it on her. 

She met Uther, the Prince and some knights as they walked out to the courtyard to greet one of the King that had arrived. Uther walks down faster, "Alined, you are most welcome on this momentous occasion," Uther says as the two of them grasp arms as royal people do for some unknown reason.

"Momentous? Let us hope so," the look on Alined's face gave Magdelena reason to feel what he was feeling which seemed to be the opposite of what Uther was trying to achieve. Magdelena watched as another King arrived, with him was a beautiful woman, whom she assumed was a Princess, the daughter of King Olaf. They made their way back outside to greet this one as well.

Prince Arthur stepped forward and helped her off her horse, taking her hand and leading her forward. Magdelena stands closer to Uther as the other king walks forward behind him Arthur and the Princess, "What kind of welcome is this? You have us hanging around like the last swallows of summer."

"You are welcome, indeed, Olaf," Uther says stepping down the stairs once again, this time the two of them hug, Uther notices the Princess and the Prince, they stop their embrace.

"May I present my daughter, the Lady Vivian," the blonde woman steps forward bowing to Uther who holds out his hand.

"Lady Vivian," Uther says kissing her hand, "How like your mother you are. Magdelena you shall care for Lady Vivian while she stays."

"I shall go check on her luggage shall I?" she says stepping away from the two kings heading toward the horses and knights. Leaving the Prince to lead her to the guest chambers she would be staying at. 

Magdelena made sure the knights knew where they were going before she rushes to get to the chambers of the Lady Vivian. She arrived and the Prince turned to see her enter, but she didn't look at him, she was staring at the Lady who was walking around, "May I present Mag-Magdelena," the Prince says Magdelena does a small bow to the woman, "She'll be looking after you for the duration of your stay. You'll want for nothing. She is truly one of Camelot's finest." 

Vivian stopped in front of them staring at Magdelena for a moment before letting out a giggle, "Then I fear for Camelot." Magdelena and Arthur made sure she was settled before they both took their leave. Once they are out of the room, Arthur leans against the wall while Magdelena stands there slightly awkwardly, they hadn't been alone since the forgotten kiss in the stables. 

She looks up at him and he looks at her and they begin to laugh at the words of the Lady Vivian, "Good luck with that one Mags," he says making her chuckle a little more before they both stop laughing. Magdelena looks at the floor before she looks up meeting the sea of blue in Arthur's eyes, "I should prepare for the feast." He goes to leave but she grabs his upper arm making him stop.

"Will you do me a favor?" she asks, he says nothing but looks at her curiously, "Keep an eye and an ear out on King Alined, I fear he is not here for peace to prosper." She watches as he rolls his eyes a goofy smile on his face.

"Come on Mags, they are all here to sign a peace treaty," he says, "No one wants war."

"Please Sire," she says, "How many times have my hunches been correct?"

"You and your hunches," he says she removes her hand from his arm narrowing her eyes at him, "Mags, come on. You are just looking for something to go wrong like it always seems to. These silly feelings you get about people and things are just your mind playing tricks."

"I guess your right," she says as he looks her eyes, "I guess my silly feelings are wrong. Some people look like one thing but act like another." 

"What is that meant to mean?" he asks staring at her, "Come on Mags, you can't really believe that you can read people and know what they are thinking or feeling."

"Nope, guess I am just a silly girl with hunches," she says, "but its better than being a stupid prince who follows orders and doesn't follow his feelings." Before he can say anything Magdelena takes off toward the other direction storming away leaving Arthur feeling rather dumb for calling her hunches silly, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

She came across Uther in his chambers trying to pick his best clothes to wear to the upcoming feast, "Would you care for some help?" she asks entering, calmed down a bit from the words of the Prince. She picked some of his nicest clothes which was rather hard since he was a King and his clothes were the best of the best. 

"You need to wear a different dress to the feast," he says confusing her, "You look much to peasanty. You are the servant of a king and she looks as such."

"No one will care what I am wearing with the Lady Morgana and Lady Vivian there," she says staring at him, "But If it would calm you I shall pick a nicer dress that doesn't look to poor." Once he was dressed she hurried to her chambers to find some nicer clothes. 

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