Chapter Nine

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09. Capture and Escape

Magdelena sat on her black horse, she wore leather pants with slits on the knees, she had black boots which went to her knees with a small heel, with a long sleeve black jacket which didn't cover her stomach all the way but the back hung to cover her butt, "Maggie, please be careful," Merlin says while she pulled her hair back out of her face and tying it with a piece of twine.

"We have four trained knights with us," she points out, "I am Death. She is the King's ward." 

"Maggie we are leaving," Morgana says, Merlin pats her knee before she rides to join the two women at the front of the pack, "While I am not really complaining, but why did Uther have you come with us?"

"An extra set of hands?" Magdelena suggests knowing the real reason but not willing to tell Morgana or Gwen about it thought Gwen has her suspicions, and Morgana would be more excepting since her own discovery. She was more worried about the knights behind her, and the reaction to Uther using a magical being for power.

Suddenly from the sides,  bandits come from nowhere, the knights draw their swords, "Gwen, Lady Morgana run!" Magdelena screams kicking bandits that came near her, or Gilthunder would ram them with his body, or send them flying with his wings. She hears a scream and races forward on her horse seeing Morgana and Gwen with a man, "Release them!"

She is suddenly pulled from her horse and dragged away why the man smacks her horse but Gilthunder doesn't even flinch, 'Run Gilthunder.' She snaps at him and the next hit makes him spook and run off away back toward Camelot.

"You are a beauty," the man says looking over the girl who seemed unfazed by him, "I think you are going to stay with me." The other bandits set up a camp, putting Gwen and Morgana in a tent, as the man went to check on the girls she was thrown to another man to hold, who was getting kind of handsy.

"You better watch those hands or I will cut them off and fry them over a fire," she snaps at him but the man continues, she throws her head back knocking him in the head and goes to grab his sword when a sword was held against her, "If you were not so daft I would tell you to release us but I am sure no threats of action will change your mind."

"Come with me," the one in charge says as he drags Morgana and Gwen toward the stream another man stands watching. The man pulls Magdelena against himself, "You may find the water a little icy."

"I'm sure I'll manage," Morgana says bitterly, "If you were any kind of gentleman, you'd give me some privacy."

"Well, unfortunately for you I am no kind of gentleman," the still unnamed man says his hand moving from Magdelena's hip running up her back to hang over her shoulder, "Now get on with it." Morgana slowly removes the top layer of her blue and purple dress.

"You can at least turn your backs," Morgana says as her purple cover dropped to the floor.

"So you can make a run for it. Do you think I'm that stupid?" the man asks.

"Do you really want an answer?" Magdelena asks making the man grab her shoulder making her yelp as blood seeped through from her day-old wound.

"I think you're very stupid," Morgana says Magdelena watches as Gwen grabs Kedrick's sword who throws Magdelena down on the floor as Morgana hits him and she tosses the sword to Morgana who fights them off as Gwen picks up Magdelena.

 "Run! No, no, this way!"Morgana says leading them into the forest as he continues, suddenly Gwen stumbles and Magdelena freezes with the girl trying to help her get back up. Morgana goes to stop but Gwen yells at her to run, Magdelena grabs her throwing her arm over her shoulder.

"No, no, no. We'll never outrun them, you must go on without me!" Gwen says while Magdelena does her best to keep up with Morgana.

"I'm not leaving you two behind!" Morgana says while grabbing Gwen's other shoulder as they three hurry along the path.

"Morgana, go! Please! You must get help!" Gwen begs while she stops leaning against a tree, "You too Magdelena, who knows what that man will do if he gets ahold of you again." 

Morgana runs pauses turning to look at Magdelena, "Run Morgana tell Uther I had no choice," she says as the woman takes off running. Gwen hides behind a tree, then jumps out and takes down the man pursuing them. Magdelena nodded at Gwen, the went to run further but as they go to walk the man grabs Magdelena while the other grabs Gwen. 

They are dragged back to the camp they had tried so hard to get away from, "Did you really think that you could get away from me."

"Obviously that is why we ran," Magdelena says glaring at him, "I demand we be released."

A Bandit hands the man Morgana's clothes, throwing them at Magdelena, "Put these on."

"What are you planning?" Magdelena says holding the two layers of clothes.

"Hengist has never met the Lady Morgana. For all he knows, you could be Uther Pendragon's ward," the man says, "You will do just fine, you have an authority about you."

"And what of Gwen?" Magdelena asks motioning to the girl next to her, "You think of harming her-"

"She will be your servant," the man says earning a glare from Magdelena.

"I refuse to impersonate a Lady," Magdelena says, a sword is pointed at Gwen.

"Then she dies," the man says Magdelena growls, as she removes the jacket she was wearing showing a white wrap around her chest, she throws the blue dress over her leather pants, she unwraps her chest throwing it into the fire. Putting the purple cover over the dress she looks at him.

"Does this suit you?" she asks he pulls her closer and unties her hair allowing it to flow freely, "Touch me again you pig and I will shove an apple in your mouth."

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