Chapter Thirty-Nine

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39. King Alined Meet The Queen of Death

Magdelena was shocked as the doors open and Lady Vivian in only her nightgown, as she rushed off toward, Magdelena could only guess the Prince's chambers. In the doorway stood a smug and proud Trickler he was shocked to find the girl staring at him with a harsh glare, "You tell your master he might get a war, but not the one he wants," Magdelena points at him with a dangerous look in her eyes, "or against who he thought."

Magdelena runs off in the direction that Lady Vivian had run off toward, she arrived at Arthur's chambers just as she heard Olaf yell, "You buffoon! You made an idiot out of me!" she watches as Trickler runs from the room and off in the other direction, so she decides to follow him. He knocks on Alined's guest chambers. She quickly teleports to her chambers before entering the other realm and then teleports into Alined's rooms, Tickler seemed to have already explained what had happened.

"It's that meddlesome Merlin. He's onto us, My Lord. There was nothing I could do," he says sounding fearful as he paces in front of the King, "You-you-you do understand, Master? Say you forgive your boy."

"You have a matter of hours before the peace treaty is signed," Alined says, Magdelena takes a seat on his bed making herself comfortable as she listens.

"Th--th--that is time enough, Master," Trickler says more fearful the King sits in the chair at the table, "Time enough."

"It's less time than you've had already, and you haven't managed it so far," Alined had become even angrier as he seemed to think of the situations.

But the enchantment is strong, My Lord. Sooner or later, the two will be drawn together," the Trickler steps closer to the King as he speaks, in a single quick movement Alined grabs his face as he looks at his servant.

"For the sake of your prettiest feature, you had better believe that to be the case," his voice seethed with such anger, Magdelena would have been scared had she not been Death.

"I knew following you was a good idea," she says appearing on the bed, the two snapped their heads toward the girl, her lips were a dark but bright blue, and her eyes which were like a fire surrounded by black which splattered up her forehead. Which was partly covered by her hair which was partly pulled into a bun high on the back of her head with a braid which went down, she wore a flower crown but the red roses were wilted. As she stood her sandals showed which were laced up the front and flat, her dress was rather revealing on the sides and her chest as she smirked at the men.

She grabbed the side of her dress and mockingly bowed, "King Alined please to meet you," she says standing as she stares at the two of them, "I thought there was something off about you when you arrived."

"How did you get in my room?" he asks trying to sound rather kingly and brave in front of the rather intimidating girl and his servant.

"I was here for your entire conversation with Trickler - was it?" she says walking away from the bed looking as if she was just floating on air, "I am just curious as to why. Please enlighten me, King Alined, why do you want war?"

"War would make me rich, whereas peace would make me poor," he says making her eyes flare in anger at his words.

"You would sacrifice hundreds of lives so you can have money?" she snaps at him turning to look him directly in his eyes.

"What good is a poor king?" he asks as if that was reason enough to justify what he was doing.

"A good King doesn't need riches to rule his country," she snaps at him, "Only a fool would go to war to gain money."

"How dare you! I am a King!" her dry humorless laugh cuts through the two men's bones as they let out an involuntary shiver.

"You are no more a King to me than a pebble below my feet," she says, "Besides I am sure your willingness to sacrifice the Prince will not sit well with Uther. I mean what do you expect Olaf to do should he discover his daughter with Camelot's Prince?"

"I will sacrifice anyone who gets in my way," Alined snaps at the woman, "Even the Prince!"

"Glad to hear it," she says, "Because I can allow no harm to come to the Prince, the King, its people or even a single pebble brought in by a horse."

"What? I don't-"

"I told your servant that you might get a war, but against someone who you didn't want a war against," she says looking at Trickler who went wide-eyed.

"You-your the King's servant!" he cries out and Alined looks at her with an evil smirk as if he had caught her. 

"I see-"

"Uther knows who I am," she says cutting him off once again, "Funny how the man who hates magic so much has begun to use magic. Well, in a way at least." She lets out a little chuckle as she jumps up onto the table in a single graceful jump, "I just thought I should warn you that if you do not leave the Prince and Lady Vivian alone I will have no choice but," she pauses before answering in a perky voice, "to kill you!" Magdelena disappeared from the room, reappearing in Gaius's chambers.

Gwen held a note standing on the outside of the doors of the Prince of Camelot. She looked down at the note she had written, hoping to help Magdelena and Arthur. She had lost Lancelot and didn't want Magdelena and Arthur to go through what they had done. She read the note once more, 'A second chance. Sunset. I'll await your presence.' 

Gwen then went to Gaius's chambers glad to find that Gaius was the only one there, "Gaius?" she says catching his attention, "Can you give this to Magdelena?" 

"Do you want me to tell her you brought it?" Gaius asks Gwen shakes her head, "No?"

"No, I think it would be better if she didn't know it was me," Gwen says, "Goodbye now Gaius." Gwen leaves and Gauis walks over to the note and reads the words written in nice handwriting.

'I must see you again there is so much to tell you. Meet me at sunset. -Arthur'

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