Chapter Fourteen

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14. Something Smelly This Way Comes

Magdelena was with Uther when word came in that a woman was here seeking an audience with the king. They walked through the halls to the throne room where he sat waiting for the woman and her servant to enter the room. Once they do Magdelena can sense magic coming from the woman and the man too, "Lady Catrina, is it really you?" Uther asks

"I can hardly believe it myself," the woman says, Magdelena had to admit she was rather beautiful but there was something off about her.

"We had tidings from the north that the House of Tregor had fallen to invaders," Uther says, Magdelena had read those papers, and they claimed very few survivors if any at all.

The lady speaks again, "All that you heard was true, My Lord, and worse." 

"Your father, the King?" Uther asks, Magdelena put her focus on the servant, there was something she really didn't like about him.

"Gone, Sire. The enemy attacked without warning. We were outnumbered five to one. He could not endure. I would never have survived had it not been for my faithful servant Jonas. But we did survive, and we have made it this far..." suddenly the woman swoons and Arthur goes to catch her but already Uther had her in his arms, "Forgive me, My Lord. I fear my trials have taken a toll."

"Your sufferings are beyond imagining, My Lady. It would be an honor to help you in any way we can," Uther says making Magdelena stare at him with a very wary look.

"A bed for the night would be most welcome," the woman says 

"And consider yourselves our esteemed guests. It's the least we can do," Uther says, "My servant Magdelena is at your service." Magdelena raises an eyebrow at the King but knew better than commenting on it at the moment.

"Thank you," the lady says as Magdelena stepped down from behind the King, sending him a look that told him she wasn't finished with him and he was going to be lectured about sending her to serve guests. 

She showed them into a room with a small smile, "I hope this is okay, I am afraid it is the best we have on such short notice," Magdelena says bowing her head a bit to the lady.

"Considering we spent last night in a cave it is better than we hoped for," Lady Katrina says and Magdelena nods her head, "The king said your name but I am afraid I forgot how to say it."

"Magdelena, but please my Lady, call me Maggie if it is easier," she says with a smile which was returned by the woman.

"Maggie thank you," the Lady says with a soft smile toward the woman.

"If you need anything I am usually around," she says with a small smile, "Is there anything I can get you at the moment?"

"My mistress and I could not be more grateful for the kindness you've shown us," the servant Jonas says his voice gave Magdelena a bad feeling but she hides it behind a smile and a small bow.

"I shall let you be now," she says, "Sleep well, my Lady." 

Magdelena takes her leave, as soon as her back is toward them her smile falls and she rushes to find Uther, who was in his chambers. He looks toward the door as she enters, "You have the rest of the night off," he says and she nods her head but doesn't leave, "Is there something you would like to say?"

"Yes there is thank you for asking," she says with sass, "I think you should be wary of Lady Katrina and her servant Jonas. I fear they are not what - or who - they claim to be."

"That is a large accusation coming from a servant," he says, she gives an incredulous look as she shakes her head at the man.

"I am no servant, I am the mistress of death!" Magdelena snaps at him, "Fine dig your own grave Uther Pendragon. Do not say I warned you." 

Magdelena goes back to Gaius' chambers to find him brewing a potion he was too focused on brewing and she was too annoyed to speak so she grabbed a book from her shelf and then headed back out to the courtyard, she stopped swinging to take a seat on the base of one of the statues and began to read.

"That is something I haven't seen you do for a while," her head snaps up to see a smiling Leon which she smiles to as she marks her page.

"Well, Uther has gotten on my last nerve and I had the rest of the day off," she says smiling slightly, she very rarely had time to herself anymore, "What about you?"

"I also have the rest of the day off," he says, Magdelena smiled at Leon, when she first moved to Camelot, Gwen was the only servant who noticed her but Leon also took a liking to the young woman who was always reading, she tried to ignore him every time he would speak to her, but since her brother came everyone seemed to know who she was and decided to give the Knight a chance.

"What do you plan to do with your free time?" she asks looking at his rather casual garbs, "Training perhaps?"

"You would be correct as usual Maggie," he says with a smile making her shrug her shoulders, "The word around is that you rejected William's courtship."

"Seems word is fast spreading," she says looking at him, "How did you hear about it?"

"From the man himself. He was raving about how disrespectful you have been to him," Magdelena could almost hear the blood in her veins boil at Leon's news, "The knights seemed to pay little mind to him, everyone pretty much knows you are not someone who accepts courtships from anyone."

"I feel I should take offense to that statement," she says causing Leon to open his mouth to apologize, "But I understand what you mean. Besides he was the one who was disrespectful."

"Sometimes I expect some Lord to visit here and ask to marry you," he says, "You just have this air about you, and the way you hold yourself."

"I am sure with the Lady Morgana present in her fancy garbs I would hold no interest than a few seconds," Magdelena says with a soft smile at him, "I appreciate the compliment though."

"Well, I best get going, enjoy your book," he says taking a few steps up the stone stairs.

"Don't work yourself too much Sir Leon," she says before opening up her book as she hears him take the rest of the stairs and walk toward the training grounds which were on the other side of the castle.

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