Chapter Eight

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08. Questions, Questions, Questions

Merlin had gone to check of Morgana after Magdelena left after her small crying fit, which pissed Merlin off but he could do nothing about it since it was a knight. He walked down the stairs heading back to Gaius hoping that Maggie was back there, "This has to stop," the voice of the blonde prince makes Merlin turn around, "The King would have your head if he found out, and there's no point denying it."

"Denying what?" Merlin asks confused by what the Prince was saying.

"Your affections for the Lady Morgana," the Prince says walking forward so he wasn't leaning against the wall anymore.

Merlin chuckles, "Right."

"Take a bit of advice from someone who knows about women," Merlin has to bite back a laugh at his words.

"Well, if such a person existed, I would."

"Stick to girls who are can I put it? On your level," the Prince says which Merlin found ironic coming from the man who seemed to have taken a fancy to his servant sister.


"She can't be her friend. Let alone anything else," the Prince says as if trying to make it worse for the servant he thought fancied the King's ward, "You still haven't given me my flowers."

"Yes, well," Merlin starts, "speaking of liking women on your level. You should tell that to that knight William."

"What are you talking about Merlin?" Arthur asks staring at his servant, "he is also trying to pursue Morgana?"

"No Magdelena," Merlin says, "Maggie came in earlier crying because he was asking her about courting her. I mean I saw how you acted when you caught them when they landed on each other soaking wet."

"He asked if he could court her?" Arthur asks, "What did she say?"

"She was crying Arthur what do you think she said?" Merlin sasses the Prince.

"Did anything else happen?"

"I think she said he kissed her, she was sobbing so hard," Merlin says shaking his head, "Oh. My. God. You fancy Maggie don't you?" he questions even though he knew the answer to the question already, and knew that Arthur would deny it. 

"Of course not!" Arthur says, "Go clean something." the prince shoos his servant away while he walks away trying to avoid making eye contact with the raven-haired boy.

That night, Merlin was on dinner duty, with Uther, Arthur, and Morgana, he stood off to the side his back pressed against a wall while kitchen servants served the three royals their meals, "You boy," Uther says pointing to Merlin who walked forward confused as he had just filled their glasses and Uther hadn't taken a sip yet, "You are my servant's kin are you not?"

"Magdelena is my sister yes," Merlin answers concerned of where the conversation was going.

"A knight came forward asking about courting her," the Prince choked on the sip of wine he had just taken as Morgana stared at Arthur with a knowing look, "Did she accept?"

"Not the last time I check," Merlin says, "She seemed rather distraught about the entire thing, Sire." 

"Did she give a reason?" Uther asks, the servant looking at him with such confusion.

"No Sire," Merlin says.

"Do you know if she is infatuated with anyone?" Uther asks, his ward and son were very confused by the King's questions. He never was so curious about his other servant's lives. Merlin suddenly realized what the questions were about, the bond between Uther and Maggie was weakening, which meant she was in love with someone.

"She has not told me of anyone," Merlin answers, "May I inquire as to why the King of Camelot is asking such questions about his servant and my sister?"

"No you may not!" snaps the King waving Merlin back to his original space, but the curious looks of the other two at the table only lasted a moment before they asked their own questions.

"Why are you so curious about Maggie?" Morgana asks staring at the King, "the King is not infatuated with a servant is he?" Uther's head snaps to look at Morgana with an almost disgusted look on his face.

"Of course not," he tells her.

"Then why are you asking about her rejecting a knights courtship, and if she has taken a fancy to anyone?" Arthur asks his father, "I mean, father, these are strange questions to be asking about your personal servant."

"Uther?" Magdelena's voice causes everyone to turn toward the door where she stood looking taken back as everyone looked at her, "You told me to inform you when your room was finished."

"Your bleeding again," Arthur points out to the small red dot which was growing every few moments. 

"Please excuse me," Uther says standing from his seat as he follows after Magdelena leaving the three of them there. Morgana turned her gaze to Arthur while Merlin stood watching the door where his sister had stood moments ago.

"Does Prince Arthur fancy his manservant's sister?" Morgana asks Merlin snaps his attention to the two young adults at the table, Arthur looked at Morgana with a fake confused look.

"Don't be ridiculous Morgana," Arthur says, "Of course I don't fancy Mags." Merlin has to stop himself from laughing as Arthur used his nickname for her.

"Mags?" Morgana asks turning to look at Merlin who was obviously trying not to laugh, "He even has a nickname for her. How adorable!"

"I didn't-I don't-I mean-she-I-we-" Arthur tries to form a sentence, looking to Merlin to help who looks away trying to act like he didn't see Arthur look at him. He hears a chair scrape the floor as it was pushed back, followed by the doors opening and shutting.

"How do you feel about Arthur liking your sister?" Morgana asks as she stands up from the chair as servants enter to start cleaning up the mess.

"If she is happy I have no objections," Merlin says before joining in helping the other servants pick up the table. Morgana and him share one more look, as she sends him a small smile before she takes her leave from the room heading to her chambers where Gwen waits. 

By the time Merlin arrives back at his shared chambers, Gaius was cleaning up his own dinner with a plate made for Merlin while a sleeping Magdelena lay in her corner, Baxton laying against her back as she faces the wall.

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